Implosion at the DNC as Longtime Officials Lose Top Positions – IOTW Report

Implosion at the DNC as Longtime Officials Lose Top Positions

LI: The Democrat National Committee (DNC) continues on its downward spiral as many longtime officials have lost their jobs on top committees.

However, it doesn’t appear it will help things since reports suggest that the progressives within the party view it as “retaliation” since they opposed DNC Chairman Tom Perez.

Everything went downhill in the summer of 2016 when leaks showed collusion within the DNC to push Hillary Clinton over Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) in the primaries. The news led to Rep. Debbie Wasserman-Schultz to resign as chairwoman.

Hillary ended up receiving the nomination only to fail big time against President Donald Trump.

NBC News listed the ousted officials:

  • Ray Buckley, the New Hampshire Democratic chairman and longtime DNC official who ran against Perez for chair before backing Rep. Keith Ellison, D-Minn. Buckley lost his spots on the Executive Committee and DNC Rules Committee.
  • James Zogby, the president of the Arab American Institute and prominent Sanders backer, is no longer co-chair of the Resolutions Committee and is off the Executive Committee, a spot he has held since 2001.
  • Alice Germond, the party’s longtime former secretary and a vocal Ellison backer, who was removed from her at-large appointment to the DNC.
  • Barbra Casbar Siperstein, who supported Ellison and Buckley, was tossed from the Executive Committee.

Zogby said he’s “concerned about the optics” and “impact” of the moves and that all he wants to do is “heal the wound of 2016.” Buckley said the move is “all just very disappointing.”  Read more

11 Comments on Implosion at the DNC as Longtime Officials Lose Top Positions

  1. The DNC and the RNC are made up of varying degrees of long serving Swamp Monkeys.

    Bannon, Gorka and many others working to clean up the Uni-party GOP establishment RINOs.
    This effort was born from the acquiescence and failures of the GOP not listening to voters over decades, ignoring ideals and principle of the republic, supporting Obama’s agenda, not meeting their promises of the campaign and the dog and pony shows in the media and hearings, while not bringing charges in national security cases, Leaks, IRS, EPA, Homeland security, the DOJ, FBI, Benghazi, corruption and a host of other issues.

    The RNC is feeling the back lash from small and big donors alike, Yet Ryan and McCONnel chose to double down.
    The Judge Moore VS Strange campaign showed the RINO RNC’s vulnerability and the strengthening of conservatives within regularly voting republicans.

    Voters are tired of a never ending politically elite class in the house and senate not representing the will of the people (their constituency). This is not representative government.

    Bannon, Gorka and many others are working to re-direct and focus on what is important for our nation, not the pockets and benefits of the swamp dwellers perpetual dog and pony show that leaves us nothing but horse shit to clean up.

  2. Not a problem, they have an unlimited stockpile of blithering idiots to step up and fill in. You can listen to the same joke only so many times before you want some fresh material. The fun is anticipating just what kind of mutant creature they’ll offer up to the public next.

  3. you have heard of the midas touch ?

    well now we have the obama touch !

    what ever he touches turns to crap

    they were long timers which means they supported both hillary and obama, now see what happened to them.

    that’s karma

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