Important Interview: Devin Nunes Discusses FISA Investigation, Rod Rosenstein, Currently Corrupt DOJ/FBI, and Robert Mueller… – IOTW Report

Important Interview: Devin Nunes Discusses FISA Investigation, Rod Rosenstein, Currently Corrupt DOJ/FBI, and Robert Mueller…

CTH: House Intelligence Committee Chairman Devin Nunes appears with Maria Bartiromo to discuss the ongoing FISA abuse investigation; the use of Michael Sussmann to act as a go-between for the DNC and FBI; the status of Deputy AG Rod Rosenstein, and his upcoming (10/11) testimony; current visible activity within the DOJ that points to their ongoing corruption; and how all of that relates to the Robert Mueller investigation.

This is a very important interview segment because it dovetails with the much larger issue CTH outlined about: “How Deep Is This Swamp“?  Believe me, you’re going to want to watch this several times to absorb the bigger-big picture that Nunes is careful to explain.   more here


11 Comments on Important Interview: Devin Nunes Discusses FISA Investigation, Rod Rosenstein, Currently Corrupt DOJ/FBI, and Robert Mueller…

  1. I watched Maria B.’s interview with Devin N. Watched it twice, in fact. It is revelatory. Nunes does a good job of distilling things to a readily graspable state. Bartiromo does a good job at letting her interviewees talk with little or no interruption. Most other teevee people really aggravate me by not letting their subjects answer the question and explain the answer.

    There’s one thing I’d like to understand. When DJT ordered the declassification without redactions of those parts of the FISA warrant paperwork, he obviously had good reason to do so, and had concluded that the time was right for that information to be released. I can’t help but think that the reasoning is just as valid today as it was in September, and that it is probably more important than ever, given the proximity to the mid-term elections, for Us the People to know the score.

    So what is so important, so overriding a reason, that he was persuaded to delay? What sort of repercussions are the Five Eyes intelligence people threatening/promising?

  2. Uncle Al, clearly I’m not in the loop of “need to know”. I hope that a primary concern was getting Kavanaugh confirmed so that when and if, the Supreme Court is required to make a decision that we have some good guys in place. Like you I’m impatient as hell waiting for the release of these highly incriminating documents, and I’m growing suspicious of the delays. I say put the cards on the table, all of them. We have plenty of patriots to clean up the mess.

  3. TO UA
    Australia and UK asked Trump to hold off because of “sensitive” issues in the docs that could damage them…BUT then, only a few days ago, they released some (dis)info in an attempt to mitigate the impact (a big FU to Trump). That’s only going to motivate Trump to release the FISA docs.

    Next 3 weeks gonna be a fun ride, eh?!?

    Partly related (esp. Solomon article linked):


    (This is the Czar; I‘ve abdicated the throne to lead the military, to annihilate the tyrants. It’s pronounced “shWAKE.“ p.s. The book shows you what a “Good Soldier” can become with infinite inertia and patience!)

  4. And Robert Mueller continues the charade with the only purpose of his investigation being look, over there, to save his corrupt pals in the FBI, Hillary Clinton and her cronies and the previous administration. Time to enlist the U.S. Marshall service to seize all records and computer files. The Secret Service is very adept for the computer forensics aspect of this. Screw the DOJ! Can’t be trusted as they are also co conspirators.

  5. Sorry, not sorry, but Sundunce has become a near-total depression case, blocking his usual ability to think and reason clearly.

    I was looking at the CTH article on the Solomon Report [SEE ABOVE healthy analysis and link to the Solomon article], in which he claims
    “President Trump gave Rosenstein to him,”
    AFTER printing a transcript of Trump saying,
    “[Rosenstein] was hired by Jeff Sessions. I was not involved in that process because, you know, they go out and they get their own deputies, and the people that work in that department and Jeff Sessions hired him.”

    Just one example why I question this site’s analyses these days.

  6. organgrinder – stepping up for Sessions, like Robert Reich, is psychically and mentally demanding. So little to start with defined a mercy appointment for both. Clinton did one thing right, he drained the swamp going in. Trump should have done the same, however over time Trump needed and has let themselves to prove the real collusion.

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