Important Statements By Patriot Prayer Member – History Tells Us Where This is Heading – IOTW Report

Important Statements By Patriot Prayer Member – History Tells Us Where This is Heading

By “this” I mean the condoned violence by the political left. This doesn’t just simply deescalate on its own through “boredom.” And the oppressed don’t simply cower and give up.

There is a civil war brewing, and shots have already been fired. I’m not sure Antifa and BLM know what they are doing, and the bear they are poking.

If law enforcement truly stands down, and allows this play out in the streets, there is going to be an awful lot of empty basements and abandoned skateboards and fece filled balloons out there.

14 Comments on Important Statements By Patriot Prayer Member – History Tells Us Where This is Heading

  1. This is so sad, but it is the beginning. Pray for a quick resolution as all the soy boys run home to mommy. Then President Trump needs to order the arrest of all who are funding the riots and seize their assets.

  2. @Claudia,

    I used to think that most of the antifa f*cks were soy boys, but I’ve come to realize that they have transformed into an army of sociopathic hardened criminal thugs. Soy boys may supplement the crowds to make the movement seem greater than it is, but the released prison thugs are growing in number.

    The good news is that I don’t think they will ever have the numbers to overwhelm citizen patriots in an armed conflict. The bad news is that they have the Soros backed DA’s providing legal support.

  3. It will burn it self out according to Wheeler. After everything is burned out and the war they want is won by our side, that would be the side of civilization, not anarchists and communists.

  4. I certainly appreciate the Patriotism, however, if you told me you had a bunch of guys getting into the back of lifted 4 by 4s with Trump and American Flags and were going to drive thru a sea of Antifa I would have told you some one was going to get shot. Very ignorant move.

  5. I agree with you, Brad. There seems to be a lot of bold talk, even swagger, about “taking out the bad guys”, but I honestly don’t even know what that looks like. In battle there are strategies and tactics that are undertaken by people who at least know how to communicate with each other and know how to identify who is on which side of the battle lines. How do I know if you are a one of “us” or one of “them” when I see you have a gun and are walking toward me, for example? Jay’s partner just said that the murderer in Portland wasn’t dressed like Black Bloc or antifa. He was caught completely unawares, and he was there with Jay to provide security protection for the rest of the Trump rally goers.

    I think it’s all well and good to talk about going to war against these people, but how is that actually accomplished? Until someone can answer that question, it’s just bold talk to me.

  6. AA
    I spend a fair amount of time on a couple sites that are primarily military people. Both active and retired. A couple of them mention that there’s going to be a lot of civilians dying from stupidity, which I use to disagree with. I’m starting to change my mind. I’ll shut up now.

  7. How are the antifa communicating? I heard that they are organized using cellphones, can’t their phone records be used to prove involvement in the crimes being committed? Arrest and persecute to the full extent of the law.

  8. I have a military background and know that even a small militia needs to train together in order that they don’t accidently shoot each other. At the very least they need some form of secure field communication and some form of hierarchy for commands — like advance, hold, and retreat. They need some kind of strategy and a tactical plan. They need to know how to get in and how to get out, preferrably not into the arms of the enemy or into a box canyon. They need cover/protection on their flanks and someone who can view the field of operations from a distance. These are all things that aren’t mentioned by people talking about “taking out BLM.”

    Maybe our “war” should be fought on psychological front: Skywriting: “Surrender BLM/Antifa!”, shower them with leaflets that say “Smile, your picture is being taken via drone camera and you’ll soon be getting a visit from your local LEO and DHS.” Or find a way to contaminate their water bottles with something that will take them out of action for a while. These things sound just as effective and plausible as taking up arms against them.

  9. In red states I’ve seen how you stop them from destroying shit and 1. they don’t like armed patriots showing up waiting for them in a state with Stand Your Ground Law 2. In a state where the cops don’t stand down 3. A state where they will arrest you even it’s later on by identifying everyone by video and they won’t slap you on the wrist, they will charge you with terrorism and attempted murder and even murder if someone dies from one of your fires.

    These guys and gals around here though get there before they do, they don’t walk among them, they gather in front of buildings with their back to the wall watching every move they make. Them knowing that the second that bomb, or molotov cocktail leaves their hand is the second they can legally get a bullet through their head makes them not so quick to do so. I’ve even read them warning about laws in certain states. Somebody is certainly doing their homework for them.

  10. AA
    You are correct. Lots of training. If the average person thinks Peel Drills are easy, try it. Could go on and on but success depends on the groups willingness to destroy the enemy. ANTIFA will be a classic Gorilla Warfare battle. Easy to win if done right. But a group would need some private comms and over watch. Nobodies going to just walk in and clear these assholes out now. Sniping away at the edges would be more effective.

  11. stirrin the pot, yes, I agree. I should have taken that into account. That makes so much sense now that you mention it. This is the reason the left released so many criminals from prison. Guess I just don’t think like a debased, hateful leftist.


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