Imports of Some Prescription Drugs From Canada Allowed Under New Trump Plan – IOTW Report

Imports of Some Prescription Drugs From Canada Allowed Under New Trump Plan


Americans will soon be able to legally import lower-cost prescription drugs from Canada officials with the Trump administration announced Wednesday morning. The system proposed by the Trump Administration would allow states, wholesalers, and pharmacists to get FDA approval to import certain medications that are already available in the U.S.

Health and Human Services Secretary Alex Azar said U.S. patients would be allowed to import medications safely and effectively, with oversight from the Food and Drug Administration. Pharmacists would act as intermediaries for the patients.

“For too long American patients have been paying exorbitantly high prices for prescription drugs that are made available to other countries at lower prices,” Azar said in a statement announcing the decision. “Today’s announcement outlines the pathways the Administration intends to explore to allow safe importation of certain prescription drugs to lower prices and reduce out of pocket costs for American patients. This is the next important step in the Administration’s work to end foreign freeloading and put American patients first.”

The move is a blow to the politically powerful pharmaceutical industry which been criticized for spiking drug prices, including commonly-used drugs like insulin, which has seen its price skyrocket in recent years forcing many consumers with diabetes to ration their doses. more here

11 Comments on Imports of Some Prescription Drugs From Canada Allowed Under New Trump Plan

  1. The Insulin patent was sold for $1 as a gift to Humanity.
    Then came Big Pharma

    U.S. – $700
    CAN – $10

    Big Pharma Execs and Wall Street Money Grubbers like Anthony ‘The Mooch’ Scaramucci et al. . . get dosed you scum. It’s not just Liberals that ruin Countries.

    “Insulin’s Canadian discoverers sold the patent to their university for $1, stating that profit was not their goal.”

  2. Canada will up the prices if sparkle socks sees a way to get back at Trump for the drubbing he took on the trade deal. The petty little loon’s self image was destroyed when he thought he’d get cute and back stab the president.
    Good luck sunny boy!

  3. “How can the government justify its existence if Trump fixes everything?”

    Bingo. But they can’t tolerate him even pointing to and accurately naming what’s wrong.

  4. The problem is that the Canadian government made deal for a certain amount of drugs at reduced prices, the difference to be made up by the US with our higher prices. The more we buy (legally or illegally ) the less for them. Which means they will cut us off to keep their supply.


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