Impressionable Youth – IOTW Report

Impressionable Youth

Two 12 year-old girls tried to murder a friend in order to prove themselves worthy to a character named Slender Man.  It’s on a website called Creepypasta Wiki.

Read the disturbing story here


11 Comments on Impressionable Youth

  1. It’s like the girls couldn’t distinguish between fantasy and reality, like they still had the minds of 5 or 6 year olds who believe fairy tales are real.

  2. Folie à deux in the Midwest. Don’t leave your children alone. Don’t forget they need attention, guidance and a hand on their shoulder to keep them turned toward true north.

  3. Stabbed the girl 19 times. Thank goodness she may come out of this alive.

    These little devils need to be tried as adults and maybe see the light of day when they have grey hair.

  4. I have been aware of the “Slenderman” meme from the inception, and it is disturbing. I have often wondered if they got the idea from this site as I often post under that name…the timing of the invention and my posting at iOTW is spooky. There are sick people everywhere….

  5. Reminds me of the movie HEAVENLY CREATURES, which was based on a real-life New Zealand case where a teenage girl and her lesbian lover murdered her mother. It came out in the investigation that the two teens had lived in a bizarre fantasy world, and marked the mom for death when she tried to pull her daughter out of it.

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