Imran Awan, Indicted Muslim Congressional IT aide, had two wives and kept one “like a slave” – IOTW Report

Imran Awan, Indicted Muslim Congressional IT aide, had two wives and kept one “like a slave”

Jihad Watch: The establishment media has steadfastly ignored this story, but it just keeps getting bigger. Imran Awan and his family had access to all the emails and files of twenty percent of the Democrats in the House of Representatives. His treatment of that data is highly suspicious. And from the looks of this story and others, he is a doctrinaire Muslim with ties to Pakistan. If Republicans and conservatives had been enabling and protecting Awan, this story would have been front-page international news for months. As it is, we are likely never to discover the full extent of what happened.

“Soon After Imran Awan’s Other Wife Called Police on Him, Gunmen Shot At Her,” by Luke Rosiak and Wajid Ali Syed, Daily Caller News Foundation, June 7, 2018 (thanks to The Religion of Peace):

Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz’ indicted former IT aide, Imran Awan, was married to two Virginia women simultaneously, and 15 days after one of them told police that Imran kept her “like a slave,” gunmen shot into her family home, according to police reports filed in Pakistan.  MORE

11 Comments on Imran Awan, Indicted Muslim Congressional IT aide, had two wives and kept one “like a slave”

  1. There you go. The DNC wasn’t hacked by Russia or Assange, it was the Pakastainees!! They didn’t hack em, they were invited in. The DNC handed it to them.

  2. The most basic claim is false. Were it the Republican conference of the Uniparty league, the IT crew would be Israelis. And, no, the show would, still, not be televised.

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