In 1980 Reagan had ZERO votes in DC Primary – IOTW Report

In 1980 Reagan had ZERO votes in DC Primary

Who was it that was arguing on this site that the Republican establishment liked Reagan??

May 6th 1980:

Reagan – ZERO Votes 0%  George HW Bush – 66%  John Anderson – 27%

May 3rd 1988:

George HW Bush – 88%  Bob Dole – 7%  Pat Robertson – 4%

May 5th 1992:

George HW Bush – 81%  Pat Buchanan – 18%

May 7th 1996:

Bob Dole – 75%   Pat Buchanan – 9%

May 2nd 2000:

George W Bush – 73%   John McCain – 24%

February 12th  2008:

Huckabee 16%  McCain 68% Ron Paul 8% Mitt Romney 6% Giuliani 1%

April 3rd 2012:

Mitt Romney 68% Ron Paul 12% Newt Gingrich 11% John Huntsman 7%


7 Comments on In 1980 Reagan had ZERO votes in DC Primary

  1. Clarification.

    I opined earlier that I was #neverCruz. Like I know what the hashtag shit in the first place. But you get the point.

    I actually early voted for Trump with my wife and son last Saturday. It rivaled sex. Don’t tell my wife or son that.

    But back to #neverCruz. Just want to clarify that this is a primary season position.

    Only dicks sit at home and let Hillary win.

    I return you now to Menderpman droning on endlessly.

  2. I knew that’s what you meant Chief.
    To sit on your hands and let a known entity as corrupt, evil and loathsome as Hillary to become commander-in-chief without a fight is unconscionable.

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