In 24 States, 50% or More of Babies Born on Medicaid – IOTW Report

In 24 States, 50% or More of Babies Born on Medicaid

( – In 24 of the nation’s 50 states at least half of the babies born during the latest year on record had their births paid for by Medicaid, according to the Kaiser Family Foundation.

New Mexico led all states with 72 percent of the babies born there in 2015 having their births covered by Medicaid.

Arkansas ranked second with 67 percent; Louisiana ranked third with 65 percent; and three states—Mississippi, Nevada and Wisconsin—tied for fourth place with 64 percent of babies born there covered by Medicaid.  read more

8 Comments on In 24 States, 50% or More of Babies Born on Medicaid

  1. My first child was born with assistance from Medicaid. I was a college junior with minimum wage part-time jobs. She’s now an RN with four kids of her own.

    Medicaid did what it was supposed to do as I got a full time job a few months later that allowed me to stay in school and get off Medicaid. Unfortunately this program has turned into another gushing federal spigot. Like every other program founded on good intentions, it has run amok.

  2. Really, the process of childbirth shouldn’t be referred to as “labor”. That may offend those that are opposed to laboring. But after that it’s a S.N.A.P.

  3. California also has MediCAL. I wonder if they used those numbers too? Last I was there, the doctors flat out refused to accept MediCAL because they flat out never paid the doctor a penny. Some offices had huge signs saying ” WE DO NOT ACCEPT MediCAL” on each wall in the building in both English and Spanish. Those were the offices that didn’t have a lot of latin and middle eastern patients.

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