In a Debate, Be Michael Knowles – IOTW Report

In a Debate, Be Michael Knowles

It’s an older clip, but still one of the best. Stay calm and polite, and destroy them.

16 Comments on In a Debate, Be Michael Knowles

  1. Anyone with a special “Identity” truly believe that it makes them special and entitled to preferential treatment.
    Have you seen the video of the girl with the tattoos and forty piercings in her face, bitching she can’t find a job?
    May be a genius, may be dumb as a box of rocks, what you’ve done to your face tells me, all I need to know about you. G’day.

  2. All I know is that I cannot get pregnant, never have and never will, no matter what they call me! As for the rest of you have fun with whatever turns you on, out or in!

  3. Most people just don’t want to admit where the progressive movement has been going with this since they began prepping the environment for this whole trans activism campaign. Their objective all along has been to vet and sort out the individuals they intend to recruit as footsoldiers in their effort to increase innocent human suffering, misery and death. Voltaire recognized that those who can make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities. The progressive movement has been laying the groundwork for their offensive campaign putting their scheme into action. Trust me on this, Big Tech has been keeping track of those who can be relied on to commit the atrocities they have planned for humanity.

  4. LOL! Great video. When these demoniacs get the script flipped they go into denial, become enraged, stomp their feet and break things because there is no defense for the insanity the left is trying to normalize.

  5. The Attack: “You come into this conversation with your moral superiority”

    The big lie: “it only takes a few extra sylables to use inclusive language”
    In other words a big fucking lie!

    This is how these Communists apply nice sounding lables, that (on its surface) people don’t argue with, yet there is no substance to the lie other than what is in the mind of a mentally ill person.

  6. If I ever encounter one of these morons out in the wild and they start this “I identify as…” stuff, I’ll be sure to respond in kind to let them know how I identify and insist they use my made-up pronouns for the rest of the conversation or I may get triggered and who knows what may happen then?

    My pronouns will be: lord and master.

    Little l and Little m because there is only one LORD and Master.

    I can only hope there will be an audience at that time.

  7. I had an issue with my .mil email last month. I sent a request in, and it flashed that I hadn’t put personal pronouns in my signature block. My rank is part of the block, and if we are not familiar enough for you to call me by my naked patronymic name, my rank will work perfectly as my pronoun. I’m not sure why that crap belongs in official correspondence, not who set the outlook to checking for it, but I’m glad my race is almost run, and I won’t have to pretend to understand the everchanging suggested guidelines anymore.

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