In a Fit of Pique Texas Governor Abbott Vetoes 76 Laws Passed by His Own Party – IOTW Report

In a Fit of Pique Texas Governor Abbott Vetoes 76 Laws Passed by His Own Party

Washington Examiner

Gov. Greg Abbott (R-TX) has issued 76 vetoes, following through on a threat against the Texas Senate over a property tax dispute.

On Sunday alone, the Texas governor issued 30 vetoes. Many of the bills were those he was in line with but vetoed in order to express his disapproval of the state Senate, which has butted heads with the governor over property tax reform. The veto count is the second highest in the state’s history, according to the Texas Tribune. More

5 Comments on In a Fit of Pique Texas Governor Abbott Vetoes 76 Laws Passed by His Own Party

  1. Abbott’s trying for property tax reform, which is sorely needed, especially over the last three years, when assessments on even unimproved land have DOUBLED.
    County assessors definitely need to be reined in.

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