In Canada I Could Get 2 Years in Jail For Calling Transgenders Mentally Ill – IOTW Report

In Canada I Could Get 2 Years in Jail For Calling Transgenders Mentally Ill

You must accept transgenders, and all the fluid rules they themselves set about how they should be approached, communicated with, looked at, etc.

To be on the safe side, one should completely shut them off from all social settings. Ignore them. Do not make eye contact. Look past them, and by all means do not hire them. They are a liability to be around.

The way things are going, soon I could very well face jail time for pointing and laughing at these sick freaks- gay men who want to be treated like they are dogs:


Breitbart has the story about Justin Trudeau’s Tranny Proclamation.

12 Comments on In Canada I Could Get 2 Years in Jail For Calling Transgenders Mentally Ill

  1. International Day Against Homophobia, Transphobia, and Biphobia

    Justin!! How come no inclusion of arachnophobia and acrophobia?

    Just one day! I want everyone against my real fears. I’m not scared of trannys because they can be shot in the face.

  2. Encouraging mental illness cannot be a good thing.

    Gee, ya think?

    You lookin at me? Huh, muthafucka?

    What … ?

    Don’t be … so … uhh … y’know … fuckin phobic … muthafucka … !

    I don’t know … I’se jus sittin here, smokin some ludes and snortin some hash … an you get all up nasty an shit! it’s like … it’s like … y’know … watchin a show in my head … with sounds and clyde-o-skopitic colors an shit …

    Wha’chu feel like, today? Huh? Girl or boy? Man or goat? I dunno … sometimes I feel like a tiger … then … at other times … y’know … I feels like a pussy cat … or a bunny! A red bunny! An then I just wanna sleep … no dreams … no nightmares … just sleep … like before … y’know … before …

  3. I am now declaring myself trans-humored. I will no longer be confined to the mental prison of cis-socially accepted humor. You all must accept the fact that it is my right to laugh at you or anything or anybody at any time. Humans who dress up as animals are FUNNY. Men who pretend they’re women are FUNNY, as are women who pretend they’re men. Racial jokes are FUNNY. Ethnic jokes are FUNNY, too. But funniest of all are those social justice whiners who take themselves so seriously, they just break me up!

  4. I currently live in Canada. I guess I’m a thought criminal because I believe it is more humane and compassionate to get these people the help they need, rather than to play along with their gender dysphoria.

  5. This penis had a girl attached…
    A drunk staggers down the street with his car keys in his hand, staggering from one parked car to another until he is finally stopped by a policeman who asks “What’s the problem, buddy?”.
    The drunk replies “Someone stole my car! *hic*”.
    “Where did you last see it?”.
    “It was right here on the end of my car key …” the drunk says.
    Sensing a pointless conversation about to start, the cop tells him get a gab and go home. Turning to leave, he pauses and mentions to the drunk:
    “Did you happen to notice your fly is open?”.
    Looking down at his open pants, the drunk exclaims:
    “Omigod occifer! Someone stole my girlfriend, too!”

  6. My god how fast this little nazi can change things. The media is protecting him just as they protected his father, from missteps or outright hiding the consequences of his actions. This vicious former bar bouncer’s reign will not end well for the Liberal Party. At some point Canadians will realize just how much of a bully he is.

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