In Case Anyone Was Worried iOTW Would Change in 2016 – IOTW Report

In Case Anyone Was Worried iOTW Would Change in 2016

Woman loses pants on amusement park ride.

What’s the name of this ride?

Sorta NSFW

44 Comments on In Case Anyone Was Worried iOTW Would Change in 2016

  1. Definitely not “worried” you would change IOTWReport in 2016, Fur. Your puerile posts are usually…, well…, puerile. But it wouldn’t be the same without them.

    Happy 2016 to everyone at IOTWr!! Just 384.5 days until that man and that woman are moving out!! In the meantime, in-between time, ain’t we got fun here at the world’s best blog?

  2. I sneak over to MOTUS and look at hers 🙂

    But my own calculation is based on the 2016 GE, so it’s shorter, still! I figure any elected official who is stupid enough to champion him after the 2nd Tuesday in November, 2016, is probably going to have to be investigated by Trump’s AG for committing some kind of crime. Hahaahaha!

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