In Defense of Donald Trump – IOTW Report

In Defense of Donald Trump

(Not as a Presidential Candidate, But as Someone Willing to Break the Media Embargo)

DougRoss- Donald Trump is a self-promoting businessman, not a real presidential candidate. But he has, in the words of our favorite Bill Maher guest, broken through the media barrier as it relates to violent crimes committed by illegal aliens.

Here is the Los Angeles Police Department’s list of “Most Wanted” criminal suspects:

top 10

— Jesse Enrique Monarrez (murder),
— Cesar Augusto Nistal (child molestation),
— Jose A. Padilla (murder),
— Demecio Carlos Perez (murder),
— Ramon Reyes, (robbery and murder),
— Victor Vargas (murder),
— Ruben Villa (murder)

The full “Most Wanted” list doesn’t get any better… There aren’t a lot of Mexicans in New York state — half of all Mexican immigrants in the U.S. live in either Texas or California — and yet there are more Mexican prisoners in New York than there are inmates from all of Western Europe…


17 Comments on In Defense of Donald Trump

  1. I don’t care for any of the potential gop candidates.
    but I do like what trump has said.
    not so much his exact words. (not harsh enough)
    but you can tell he is over his target from all the flak he is getting.

    I also think because it’s nice to hear a tv talking head tell the truth for once.

  2. What I like about Trump: he’s wealthy enough that he’s not going to be beholden to anyone for campaign donations; he’s abrupt and says what he means, regardless of what media hacks say; he has a business background and understands free enterprise; he seems genuine in his desire to bring America back to greatness; he’s a ruthless capitalist; he hits back when people are being critical. In short, he has a spine, and he’s not some mealymouthed, wimpy, professional politician who changes his ideals for whatever the popular notion of the day happens to be. Plus, he drives leftists nuts. I think he’s a lot more serious a candidate than leftist and establishment rinos are letting on. They are scared of “the Donald”, and they should be.

  3. Every time we get a candidate who is not afraid to say exactly what he or she means and could care less about offending some minority, the MSM MUST start the mantra of ‘not a serious candidate’… Because they are.

    Even if the candidate is eccentric, I believe that if a right wing, straight shooter runs, he’ll win.

    Just look what we got when the left ran a far left, marxist hand puppet.

  4. I view Donald Trump as a stalking horse candidate – I don’t know that even Trump believes he can win the nomination, but he can and will bring tough issues to the table that other candidates will have to discuss. Depending on how Trump’s stances test out (political candidates test everything via poll), candidates will either embrace or run from Trump’s take on various issues, but they will be discussed and this is a win for the public.

    People like Trump are a thorn to many MSM talking heads. Trump is popular enough that he cannot be ignored, but the issues he raises, as well as his opinion (frequently on the same page as most Americans) on those issues, are subjects most MSM folks would prefer to avoid altogether. So even if Trump does not have a chance in hell of winning anything, he is providing a valuable service to the voting public.

  5. I happen to like Trump. He’s bombastic, egotistical, outspoken, intelligent, a risk taker, sometimes very rich and sometimes not, and lives life on his own terms – what’s not to like? But for the office of President he has a lot of baggage that would, in my opinion, turn off a lot of voters – particularly those who cannot or will not analyze issues. This includes a couple of marriages, a couple of bankruptcies, owning a casino, a reality television show, and an unabashed opulent lifestyle.

    I also happen to like what he is doing. Agree or disagree, Trump gives his opinion on issues that “polite company” would prefer to not even discuss, and in many cases, his stance on these issues is echoed by millions of Americans. At some point Trump will have to bow out of the race, but hopefully not before he forces the professional politicians to address these issues.

  6. We need Trump, Fiorina and Carson to stay in the race. They are not a part of the political establishment so they can think and speak independently without fear of the rino machine. All three are doing well, Trump in particular.

  7. This is just my opinion. At some point, Trump will have said what he wants to say, he will have made his points, and he will have done what he wanted to do. Trump won’t have the backing of the Republican establishment, who are threatened by him, races for national office are expensive, and Trump may feel there are diminishing returns on his efforts. Trump is a risk taker, but he is not Quixotic.

    I like what Trump is doing, and I agree with a lot of his positions. But the folks that hang around politically oriented sites like this one are more interested in politics than many, if not most Americans. Too many voters will be influenced more by Trump’s hair than his statements on immigration. That being said, and while I believe Trump will eventually bow out, I hope that this is later rather than sooner.

  8. Wyatt, Interesting.
    ” Trump won’t have the backing of the Republican establishment”

    That’s my biggest fear. I think Trump stands a good chance to gather a lot of momentum which my force him to see it thru.
    Rand Paul also has a huge base. So what happens when we all solidify around one candidate and still end up with Jeb. At that time there’s no argument. We’ve lost the country.

  9. The fact that this is costing Trump a lot of money, and he has not backed down causes me to think he might be in this for the right reasons. I like him more now than I have before.

  10. Donald Trump will back out of the race because that’s what Donald Trump does.
    He puts on a big show, gets a lot of publicity and gets his ego stroked, then it’s over. He’s not serious, and even if he was, at this point nobody would believe him. Hell, even HE probably doesn’t believe him.

    Fool me once…

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