In Desperate Bid To Boost Ratings, Unlikable Colbert Draws Swastika On Chalkboard Implying Trump is a Nazi – IOTW Report

In Desperate Bid To Boost Ratings, Unlikable Colbert Draws Swastika On Chalkboard Implying Trump is a Nazi


24 Comments on In Desperate Bid To Boost Ratings, Unlikable Colbert Draws Swastika On Chalkboard Implying Trump is a Nazi

  1. The day that Colbear went full-Godwin. You know, Jerry Lewis made a movie about a clown and the holocaust that was reportedly so bad it has been hidden from view for years. Colbear the Clown is lucky that his own show provides a similar oblivion to him.

  2. People actually cheered that stupidity. My bet is they don’t have a clue what nazi means. Water’s World people.
    “Who did we win our independence from”? Asked of a college student with no tits, big glasses,an ipod, carrying a bottle of spring water. “Oh, hee, hee, I don’t… ah…
    maybe France? Uh.

  3. We are watching the Media in an all out effort to reach the SHEEPLE and convince them Trump is evil….this is a battle for the Republic as they know if Killary ever stands beside Donald in a Debate that can not be controlled by the biased media, she is toast. Just watch the levels the Media will stoop to this summer to lie, cheat and steal the election for Killary.

  4. Stupid! Can’t even connect correctly! Uses straight lines in first connections, then skews it all up in second illustration, which shiws exactly what a lame-ass liberal does to any truth! Jackass.

  5. Uhh, Colbert … don’t want to rain on your shit parade but “Nazi” is short for National Socialism – you understand what a socialist is, don’t you? Huh?
    Socialist – as in Bernie Sanders, B. Hussien Obola, Hillary R. Clinton?

    And while your busy playing the fool, “Fascist” is the name of the Italian Socialist Party. Get it? Do you finally understand? Mr. Trump, whatever he may be, is NO socialist – National or Italian.

    You fucking stooge.

    izlamo delenda est …

  6. It’s “Weekend at Bernie’s” (apologies to a movie much funnier than Colbert’s) every late night on CBS. The Colbert show is the corpse propped up by a cronie network run by millennials and old guard progressives. Ratings don’t matter until the leftists abandoned Colbert.

  7. “Just watch the levels the Media will stoop to this summer to lie, cheat and steal the election for Killary.”

    If you’re not willing to fight to win a World, then you don’t really want it.
    Conversely, if you’re not willing to fight for Freedom and Liberty, then you don’t really want them.

    The socialists understand that there exists a terrifying war taking place, just below the surface of our perceived reality. The majority of Americans seem to experience a sense of disquiet, an uneasiness, but they don’t appear to understand what’s taking place and what’s at stake.

    The socialists have NO illusions. People – Americans – are dying at the hands of their (the socialists’) surrogates and we sit around tut-tutting that SOMEBODY sure needs to come and do something about it! We keep expecting our oppressors to stop our oppression! We keep expecting the thieves to curtail the thefts! We keep expecting the corrupt to stop the corruption!

    How fucking dumb is that?

    izlamo delenda est …

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