In Election Day flubs, Joe Biden says son Beau was senator, mixes up granddaughters – IOTW Report

In Election Day flubs, Joe Biden says son Beau was senator, mixes up granddaughters


[…] “This is my son, Beau Biden, who a lot of you helped elect to the Senate in Delaware, this is my granddaughter Natalie — no wait, I’ve got the wrong one. This is Natalie, this is Beau’s daughter,” Biden said as he introduced his granddaughters. Story here

8 Comments on In Election Day flubs, Joe Biden says son Beau was senator, mixes up granddaughters

  1. What is wrong with the mother of Natalie Biden to let her daughter travel with her pedophile grandfather after the poor girl was already sexually abused by her pedophile uncle. How mortified this girl must be to know that pictures of her lying in bed whilst a naked Hunter Biden takes dick pics are all over the internet. Also on the internet is a video of her giving a “foot job” to her uncle. Maybe she wears the mask because she is too embarrassed to show her face?

  2. Anonymous NOVEMBER 3, 2020 AT 8:04 PM

    “What is wrong with the mother of Natalie Biden to let her daughter travel with her pedophile grandfather after the poor girl was already sexually abused by her pedophile uncle.”
    …it is only possible to speculate, but the main 3 probablilites are that she is gaslit and does not allow herself to believe that of her father-in-law, that she’s bullied by a politically powerful man and has been cowed to the point she believes she’s unable to defend herself or her child, in something akin to Battered Woman Syndrome, but with a DIL instead of a wife…or she’s IN on it. If I’ve learned nothing ELSE in my life, I’ve learned that NO person can be trusted to act in any OTHER person’s best interests, not even a MOTHER. Sad to say, but mothers will sell their children for money, sex, drug…or power. Not ALL mothers are loving and caring, and the fact she married into THIS family makes all THREE valid possibilites.

    “How mortified this girl must be to know that pictures of her lying in bed whilst a naked Hunter Biden takes dick pics are all over the internet. Also on the internet is a video of her giving a “foot job” to her uncle. Maybe she wears the mask because she is too embarrassed to show her face?”
    …this girl was raised by wolves, and has signs of VERY long-term abuse about her that I’ve gone over here many times, so I won’t repeat again, but suffice to say that this, to HER, has probably been “Normal” HER WHOLE LIFE. She may have been molested from a very early age, she may be molested so frequently and for so much of her life that she’s simply used to it, and she probably has NEVER been taught ANY morals, standards, or values beyond “Family First” and “The Big Guy ALWAYS gets what he wants”. Look at the people she grew up with. Where is she going to learn ANYTHING other than perversion and theft, bribery and treason?

    Given her role models, probably the only reason she’s not a porn star at this point, as many abuse victims DO turn to, is because “The Big Guy” wants her to keep it in the family.

    For now…

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