Hillary Says She’s Struggling To Leave Her House [VIDEO] – IOTW Report

Hillary Says She’s Struggling To Leave Her House [VIDEO]


Daily Caller:

Hillary Clinton struggled to leave her house following her election defeat last week, she said during her first public appearance on Wednesday.

“Now I will admit, coming here tonight wasn’t the easiest thing for me,” Clinton said at a gala held for the Children’s Defense Fund. “There have been a few times this past week when all I wanted to do was just to curl up with a good book or our dogs and never leave the house again.”


36 Comments on Hillary Says She’s Struggling To Leave Her House [VIDEO]

  1. She should call Jeb! He had all kinds of cool things to do other than run for POTUS.
    Apparently those include trolling Trump on FB and making a pathetic ass of himself bragging about not keeping his word. They can drown their sorrows with Jeb’s guacamole recipe/bowl and her pocket hot sauce.

  2. Awww … has it got the sads?
    It’s so sad when Satan’s got the blues …

    Well, buck up, little buckaroo!
    There’s still more money to steal, still more people to kill, still more industries to destroy, still more Globaloney-shit to impose on foolish, unsuspecting morons!

    izlamo delenda est …

  3. As Imus in the Morning said when the grossly overweight fella from Long Island was in the news back in the 1990’S and couldn’t leave his home, just drive the Good Humor truck past her house ringing the bell.

  4. This is the woman who would be president? So when the going gets tough, she wants to curl up with her dogs an books and never go out? How on earth would she have handled a REAL Pearl Harbor-like crisis? Gawd we narrowly dodged a bullet on so many levels by rejecting this bitch.

  5. Hellary’s on her “Pity Me” tour after getting run over by the Trump train. Choo Choo!
    She thinks no make up and unwashed hair will gain her sympathy. Nope. Not even Soros cares about the broken down hag. Lock her up! Can’t wait.

  6. She was struggling to get out of her house is good news,
    The fact she actually made it is bad news. When will the media maggots get the idea people could care less if they ever saw her again?

  7. Hillary’s doctor for hire had to be pumping her up with some kind of drugs, which, in the long run, would probably be fatal. She must be off of them now and what we see is the real Hillary, who is ill. Very ill.

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