In honor of Defiant L’s getting aCcIdEnTaLlY banned from Twitter, here is a roundup of some of their best and most savage tweets for your enjoyment – IOTW Report

In honor of Defiant L’s getting aCcIdEnTaLlY banned from Twitter, here is a roundup of some of their best and most savage tweets for your enjoyment

NotTheBee: You may know that the uber popular Twitter account Defiant L’s was banned from Twitter out of nowhere and then suddenly reinstated last week. “It was an accident,” Twitter said. Yeah OK.

DL is an enemy of the woke Twitter overlords for one reason only – because the account is so devastatingly effective at pointing out the hypocrisy of our liberal elected leaders and talking heads in a way that can’t be denied or explained away. What is their method, you ask? They literally just post leftist leaders’ and influencers’ exact words … just screenshots of things people have said, that’s it.

So in honor of their execution and subsequent resurrection from the land of the banned, I have taken the liberty of gathering 19 of their most majestic recent tweets so you can sit there on your phone and enjoy the heck out of them. SEE MORE

You can see Defiant L’s work on Gab, too.

9 Comments on In honor of Defiant L’s getting aCcIdEnTaLlY banned from Twitter, here is a roundup of some of their best and most savage tweets for your enjoyment

  1. Good stuff. The left can’t stand to have their own hypocrisy thrown back in their face, kind of like how a vampire can’t bear to face a crucifix or look in a mirror.

  2. I don’t have a Twitter account but I do read some other’s Twitter feeds. Defiant Ls has been one of them, along with Libs of Tik Tok. These two accounts represent the best use possible of the platform:


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