In Light of Zuckerberg’s Admission That the Leftist Government Pressured Him, Mayorkas Perjured Himself – IOTW Report

In Light of Zuckerberg’s Admission That the Leftist Government Pressured Him, Mayorkas Perjured Himself

He should go right to f***in’ jail.

13 Comments on In Light of Zuckerberg’s Admission That the Leftist Government Pressured Him, Mayorkas Perjured Himself

  1. Alajandro Mayorkas, Tony Evers, and Mike Walz have formed into “The Punchable-Faced Three”.

    Hang down your heads Alajandro, Tony, and Mike, hang down your head and cry, hang down your heads Alajandro, Tony, and Mike, poor boys you’re about to be punched.

    This time tomorrow, reckon where we’ll be, bloody heads, bloody faces, faced down in a puddle of horse pee.

  2. Zuck can express such regrets after the fact… which renders their sincerity highly suspect. He’s a Democrat partisan. I’d bet money that, the next time a Democrat administration controls Washington and asks Zuck to censor for them, he’ll do it willingly, without being “pressured.” As for Mayorkas, we already have plenty of reasons to try him for treason.

  3. The Dirty Dems get away with everything just about.
    Obama/ Holder ran guns to Mexico cartels.
    Mayorkis has run all kinds of dirty tricks operatiohs.
    Garland has turned DOJ into a jackbooted thug factory.
    Etc, etc.
    None of them will see a day of prison.
    They’re getting their earthly rewards and that is all they’ll get.

  4. Meanwhile, Peter Strzok is being paid 1.2 million dollars, and Lisa Page is being paid $800,000, to settle their bullshit lawsuits against the DOJ for bullshit invasion of privacy claims. And evil-eyed Pete is angling to get his FBI job back, just in time to harass PDT again.

    There is no justice anymore. The deep state looks after its own. Consider these bogus settlements hazardous duty payoffs to goons for jobs well done. And notice how this is probably the first time you’re hearing about any of this, because when their media is not lying about things, it’s hiding things.

    Which is why the goons were paid off directly by the government, instead of an advance on a book deal. Don’t be surprised if one or both of them turn up like bad pennies if Kamala gets installed. And Mayorkas? He’s probably lawyered up to get his hazardous duty payout while Merrick Garlick still reigns at the DOJ.


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