In Loving Memory of Keith – IOTW Report

In Loving Memory of Keith

It was 2 years ago today that Menderman’s brother Keith passed away.

As you can see, Keith was a patriot.


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17 Comments on In Loving Memory of Keith

  1. I hesitate to talk out of school here, and Menderman can correct me if I’m wrong.
    The accepted, and logical story, based on physical evidence-

    It was an accidental slip into the water at night. (Keith lived on the boat.) January waters are cold enough to paralyze and disorient you,
    but he made his way to a small island.
    He was smart enough to know he would have succumbed to exposure, wet, no shelter in January.
    He made the decision to swim back to the boat in the dark. They know this because he stripped down to his skivvies for the valiant try.
    There was/is a campaign to distribute emergency whistles in his name.
    A whistle could have possibly saved his life.
    Everyone should have a whistle on their key chain.

  2. Two years? It almost seems like yesterday, which means it feels like an hour ago to the Menderman family.

    Grief is a stratum that a single glimpse can cut right through. May those glimpses be bright for anyone who has lost a beloved.

  3. Your account of the events is very accurate. And, yes, I have hundreds of safety whistles we give away. If you would like one, just post an address to send it to or, if Big Fur Hat does not mind, send him and address via e-mail, and you free whistle will be on its way.

  4. Thanks for the kind thoughts everybody! I’m doing fine (my sisters, well….). I still very much love that great painting of the boat that Big Fur Hat did for my family. Keith dressed his boat that way because he loved the beautiful BFH painting that hangs proudly in my living room! Once he saw it (my avatar) he ordered the flags and dressed his boat to match! He picked them up at my house as he sailed south just weeks before his death. He was also a regular iOTW reader and frequent commentor…usually anonymously since he was stealing wi-fi from wherever he was anchored.

    OK, I’m off to watch SOTU, and Keith aske me to tell Obama….

    I’ll let y’all fill that in!

    Thanks again everyone!

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