In-N-Out Burger Celebrates Its Christian Values – IOTW Report

In-N-Out Burger Celebrates Its Christian Values


…Lynsi Snyder, is letting everyone know just how much Christ means to her publicly.

Snyder gave an interview with The Christian Post and divulged that her life was on a downward spiral until she came to Christ, leaving behind drug and alcohol addiction, broken marriages, physical abuse, and more. The burger empire heiress said that she “finally found that the deep need in my heart can only be filled by Jesus and my identity in Him.”

Snyder stressed that, even when you’ve overcome the pains of your past, you still need Christ for the hurdles that are to come according to The Christian Post:

“I have learned so much through my broken relationships along with the ups and downs that come through marriage,” she said. “I’ve been the one to hurt, and I’ve been hurt. I have gained insight and growth through both sides of the coin.”

“Prior to the journey of marriage, it’s so important to seek time and healing with Jesus,” she stressed. “Even if you are blessed to be healed of personal wounds and past relationship baggage, life will still bring hurdles and trials to overcome in your relationship.”

While John 3:16 has been printed on their cups for years, Snyder decided the company should have more Bible verses on its products in order to share more of the messages it has to impart. This now includes Proverbs 24:16 and Luke 6:35.


15 Comments on In-N-Out Burger Celebrates Its Christian Values

  1. She’s just trying to get in on Chick-fil-A’s buycott profits. All she needs to say is “The Bible teaches that marriage should be between one man and one woman,” and ca-CHING$$$

  2. Tony R, it seems the Dallas police not only killed the witness that sent the ex-policewoman to jail, they were able to accuse two scapegoats of killing him. It seems the witness was going to testify about OTHER police corruption in Dallas.

  3. geeknerd, there are several locations near me. They are ALWAYS busy. Cars lined up out to the streets and a full parking lot. I would eat there more often if it was easier to get in. Cha-Ching happens everyday they are open.

  4. So…….why aren’t the LibTards and SJWs screaming their collective head(s) off about bringing Christian values to the marketplace and urging….nay….DEMANDING a boycott, the same as they’ve done (tried to do) to Chik-Fil-A?

  5. @geeknerd OCTOBER 8, 2019 AT 4:10 PM
    “…it seems the Dallas police not only killed the witness that sent the ex-policewoman to jail, they were able to accuse two scapegoats of killing him.”

    Where did you get that? I’ve read quite a bit on this case, but never saw THAT. Not saying it didn’t happen, but just curious as to your source.

  6. What a coinky dink! today for lunch I had 3 “double duble animal Style”!
    I care not what Laura Bush says about their Xenophobic hiring; I have eaten here (actually many locations, Hemet Thors) many times; and just to PO the immoral Bush Clan will continue!

  7. Tony R; SJW comments make me think of Mark 19; “.. whenever it seizes him, it slams him to the ground and he foams at the mouth, and grinds his teeth and stiffens out. I told Your disciples to cast it out, and they could not do it.”

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