In the Afterglow of Comey – #NeverTrump Losing Steam – IOTW Report

In the Afterglow of Comey – #NeverTrump Losing Steam

Here’s Maggie’s Farm, who were never Trump fans—>

You can’t avoid the truth, sad as it may be: Trump is the only revolution we’ve got.


16 Comments on In the Afterglow of Comey – #NeverTrump Losing Steam

  1. I’ve pretty successfully avoided the anti-Trump sites, but I did read the comments at MF. And just like other sites, there are, in my opinion, the biggest collection of the saddest sad sacks I’ve ever read.

    Throughout this cycle I’ve been more optimistic, more enthused and happy about candidate — and now, presumptive nominee — Trump than I have been about any candidate in my voting lifetime. The same people said the same things about then-candidate/nominee/incumbent Ronald Reagan. And, honestly, I am even more enthused about Trump.

    The very idea that people who couldn’t think themselves out of a wet paper bag, using a set of instructions, a flashlight and help of a dozen friends, have the nerve to pass judgement on a man who has made one success after another of his business, his personal life, the raising of his children — despite living most of it under a microscope and the often withering and exploitive media, tells me a lot about not only his excellent leadership skills, but his lion-hearted tenacity. And you have to ask yourself, wouldn’t a lesser individual — someone with a troubled soul, shameful characteristics like lying or cheating or simple, debilitating weaknesses like sexual deviancy or other self-defeating problems, have been exposed well before now? He does business all over the world with all sorts of people. His list of contacts, from his personal circle to acquaintances must be extraordinarily wide.

    Not only does he not appear to suffer these dark maladies, but just the opposite. His very intelligent wife fiercely defends his intelligence, his “big heart”, and his fairness with everyone. His children adore him; calling him their best friend, teacher/mentor, and faithful father. There aren’t just one or two stories of his near-anonymous aid to strangers, but many such stories. His employees are proud to work for him despite his being a demanding, tough task master.

    The same people who grudgingly refer to him as “our last hope” are the same people who probably won’t donate a nickel to his campaign, make a single phone call on his behalf or even defend him against their #NT friends. But they’ll be damn sure to remind everyone at his reelection that they voted for him the first time! They won’t have the guts to admit how wrong they were this time, four years from now, just how incredibly fast Donald Trump turned things around and how truly excited they are about the dramatic, positive changes. Why? Not because they are necessarily feeling any pangs of chagrin over it. No. It will be because just like everything else in their sad sack lives — they want someone else to fix things. They don’t even see their own part in the making or the unmaking of this country. And yet, there they sit, the high and the mighty, behaving as though they somehow possess all the answers and are simply waiting for their political Prince Charming to come along and sweep them off their feet. And they lived happily ever after. And they think we Trump voters are living in some fantasy world?

  2. Maybe the events today have put me in a black mood. Maybe the elation I felt after 2010 was irrational but it sure seemed like we had turned the corner on the Obama/Jarrett nightmare. I made some serious life plans based on what I thought would be a turning out of that administration. I was not happy with Romney and watched the same old shit play out as he was a doberman on Newt and then laid on his back for Obama to scratch his tummy. Election night was surreal for me, a truly hopeless feeling.

    Well we have certainly upped the ante haven’t we? Some say millions stayed home rather than vote Romeny, that’ll show ’em, right? The fact is that Obama/Jarrett have so rigged the demographics that this election is our last chance to keep our heads above water and even that is major league iffy.

    Trump once again yesterday said the “syrian refugees” are going back. Trump will not select any more wise latinas. I really don’t understand that with the wreckage that Obama has left behind, any sane person can say Hillary is a “survivable event”

    Like with Dianny’s piece earlier this week, I happy for every Trump vote but c’mon WTF do these people need. BB said let’s bury this shit and move forward-true dat.

    Don’t tell me you’re reluctantly joining the rational and then go into a litany of Trump “could do betters” Fuck that. Hammer on the bitch-she’s the one with her hand on the toilet flush handle. Just one more Kagan and you can kiss 2A adios. And than we’re on the road to cattle cars.

  3. Au contraire, MM! You’ve captured my sentiments, exactly.

    (Be of good cheer. Today was a great day for Trump! Remember, every single time Killery appears to get away with something, our Cold Anger is exponentially fed. It will freeze all sense of pity or sympathy by November. We will be as one, horrific, White Shark on a feeding frenzy in the voting booth.)

  4. NeverTrumpers, here’s the bottom line and the only argument that will sway you. If Hillary is elected and continues to pull her bullshit and Obama’s bullshit you’ll never be able to impeach her just as the RINO’s never had the balls to impeach Obama for all his treasonous actions.

    If Trump is elected president and he steps even slightly out of the bounds he will be impeached faster than Al Sharpton can yell racist – and the RINOs and Dems will join in.

    Take your pick.

  5. Cruz, Bush, Kasich and all the rest of the #NT have been exposed as neocons. Those who ran knew it was Hillarys to win, they were content to be the “also rans” who would go down as the righteous ones defeated by the uninformed voters but their careers and legacies would be solidified as GOP big shots.

    Then Trump came along and he destroyed the narrative. He means to defeat the monster that the others are in bed with. It’s now our chance to defeat the elite political class that’s intent on globalization and worse. The idiot small time #NT needs to get over his or herself and drop the phony “integrity” garbage and either admit who they really are and vote Hillary or sthu and vote against her.

  6. The terms
    are fully appropriate
    for ANY fool (esp. those on the Right)
    supporting the election of Hillary
    directly or indirectly.

  7. Where was that f**king gasbag Romney yesterday? Where is he today? He sure was happy to shoot his mouth off about Trump last week. What say you, Mitt? George Will?

  8. I have to vote for Trump to defeat Hiliary, but I don’t have to ignore y’all lumping Cruz in the pile of scum that rule this country. Cruz is in no way shape or form a Neocon. Cruz is a damn fine constitutional conservative!

  9. Menderman,

    We’re all concerned here about the same basic issue, and I think you know that even now I tend to agree with you on many things. But there’s really no point getting fired up about it. One way or the other, the next four years will be the most horrible we’ve seen yet.

    If Trump wins, the noise from every corner of the Left will make what Bush endured for eight years, and what Palin was slandered with, look like NOTHING. It infuriated us not so much because it was mostly slander and misrepresentation BUT BECAUSE IT ACTUALLY WORKED…IT CHANGED MINDS. Can it do so again? In this society, as stupid as it’s become, it can’t NOT work again. Question is, Will Trump learn from Bush’s silence and stand up to it all, at least trying to give as good as he’s sure to get? I wonder.

    But if Clinton wins, it’ll be the final nail for what’s left of the Republic and it will never be pulled out. We’ll be well and truly done forever.

    No matter who wins, I’m seriously considering installing site blockers and removing my own access to news and blogs. It was horridly stressful enough to inflict on myself during Bush and Palin but I know I don’t have the stomach for what’s coming if it’s Trump.

    And if Clinton wins, I already know what’ll happen. We all do.

  10. Thirdtwin, thank you for pointing that out. How can any of them a$$hats go with the never trump hashtag but condone the actions of that traitorous slime family without they themselves being part of the problem.

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