In the aftermath of Austin, it’s time for bomb control, right? – IOTW Report

In the aftermath of Austin, it’s time for bomb control, right?

CFP: How dare I make light of such a serious matter?

All right.

If I’m making light of it, then what are the political left and the media (but I repeat myself) doing everything they jump from a school shooting onto the gun control bandwagon? If demanding the banning of a deadly item immediately after its use isn’t a serious proposition and it needs to stop . . . you first.

Two killed and five injured seems like getting off easy considering what the potential of this situation could have been, and thank God it’s over now, even though it decidedly did not end well for the bomber:

An unemployed 24-year-old man suspected of a three-week bombing campaign in Texas that killed two people and injured five others blew himself up on the side of a highway as police closed in on him early Wednesday, authorities said.

Police had tracked the suspect to a hotel about 20 miles north of Austin, the state capital, and were following his vehicle when he pulled to the side of the road and detonated a device, killing himself, Austin Police Chief Brian Manley told reporters near the scene.

“The suspect is deceased and has significant injuries from a blast that occurred from detonating a bomb inside his vehicle,” Manley told reporters. He declined to further identify the suspect, except to say he was white.

Investigators had tracked him for a couple of days before closing in at an unidentified hotel in Round Rock, Texas, not for from his home in Pflugerville, Governor Greg Abbott told Fox News on Wednesday.

“We’ve known for a couple of days who the suspect likely was,” Abbott said. “Law enforcement is at his house in Pflugerville where we are learning whether or not that was the location he was making his bombs.”

The obvious question is how an unemployed 24-year-old got ahold of multiple bombs. Did he make them himself? If so, where did he get the know-how? Where did he get the material?

Did he buy them from someone? Who? ISIS? Al Qaeda? I’m not being snarky by mentioning known terrorist groups. Who the hell traffics in bombs?

As far as I know, there are no serious Second Amendment arguments that claim the right to bear arms reasonably extends to bombs. And yet this guy has several of them, and if he lived with two roommates who are not suspects, then it stands to reason he managed to keep that knowledge from them.

You sure banning guns will stop mass killings?  MORE

15 Comments on In the aftermath of Austin, it’s time for bomb control, right?

  1. Nope, Austin bombings fortunately gave the MSM cover not to report on the Maryland school shooting that was immediately stopped by a resource officer which pretty much ruins their hysteria on having armed authorities in the schools.

  2. Bombs should be fairly easy to build for any reasonably intelligent person with the rudiments of “science” available.
    I believe there was even a pretty low-tech, though devastating, “dry-ice” bomb back in the early 1900s.

    With our present state of Education, anyone with a passing intelligence is considered a “genius” – mostly by comparison with the multitudes of nose-picking, mouth-breathing, self-absorbed snowflakes, and dope-heads who make up the majority of our student population (both High School and College) and young adults (and great swaths of old adults and geezers).

    So we stand in awe and point and shout: “Look! A guy who can walk and chew gum – at the SAME TIME! Fuckin Amazing!”
    Then fall back into our slumber of TV, streaming video, smart phones, texting, and celebrity worship.

    izlamo delenda est …

  3. Question did you guys see last night Tucker Carlson show . Last night he had a guess security guard that was injured by Muslim in Texas 2015 this is the story about the cartoon drawing. He is suing the FBI . James Comey covered the crime . This story is very serious. I’m going to get the video and the article on posted.

  4. Making a useable IED is pretty simple. Unfortunately. “So easy even a jihadi can do it”.

    Lots of DIY videos on YouTube and elsewhere. Arabic not required.

    If we seriously tried to ban every household chemical product that can be used to make an IED we’d have no way to clean our homes. Home Depot would have to be shut down.

    Package-mailing Mad Bombers aren’t what they used to be. At least the Unibomber had the self discipline tand focus to compose and type up a 500 page Manifesto. This millennial kid could barely manage a rambling monologue on his iPhone.

  5. Overall, home made bombs don’t scare me.

    What concerns me is homemade poison gas, poisoned foods, homemade biological weapons for random release at airports, mass transit, concerts, public gatherings.

  6. Now we need some Leftist to set a good example.

    Like that sappy dunce who sawed his AR-15 in half and posted it on YouTube. (“No one needs these dangerous weapons of war!”)

    It would be fun to see some sanctimonious Prog try and saw the makings of a home made IED in half.
    The camera could zoom in as he painstakingly saws all the nails in two…

  7. Does anybody remember what they did to the Dallas police shooter in Texas? They sent in a robot and blew him to pieces with a bomb. Yeee Haw! Really, don’t mess with Texas.

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