In the competition by the left to see who is the most insane a bint professor pulls into the lead – IOTW Report

In the competition by the left to see who is the most insane a bint professor pulls into the lead

Campus Reform-

A University of Iowa professor recently argued that appreciation of “white marble” used in classical artwork contributes to “white supremacist ideas today.”

Professor Sarah Bond demonstrates in an article published in Hyperallergic that “many of the statues, reliefs, and sarcophagi created in the ancient Western world were in fact painted,” meaning the “white marble” often seen in such pieces of art were intended to be colored.

Consequently, Bond argues that “the equation of white marble with beauty is not an inherent truth of the universe,” and is thus “a dangerous construct that continues to influence white supremacist ideas today.”

Bond goes on to point out that “most museums and art history textbooks contain a predominantly neon white display of skin tone,” which “has an impact on the way we view the antique world.”


I ask, like I always ask, how the hell can white people be superior when the white race has her in it?

ht/ illustr8r

31 Comments on In the competition by the left to see who is the most insane a bint professor pulls into the lead

  1. Sorry, but I don’t really appreciate any
    piece of shit statue, no matter it’s color?
    I was lucky to visit Rome, Florence, and Pisa
    before it was invaded. The only thing I saw was
    money thrown down the shit holes they used in
    what they called bathrooms there.

  2. Okay, note to self remove all wood panelling (does that include my cabinets?) and marble. Can I keep my carpeting and replace it with a dirt floor? I guess the white sheet rock has to go too. How about my roof? I really don’t want to offend anyone/sarc.

  3. University of Iowa? Hell she will be chancellor or provost in no time. Iowa City IA is a communist outpost full of naive brainwashed midwesterns who waaaaaay overcompensate for their inferiority complex that derives from being out there in flyover country and not being in a really kewl place like NYC or LA. They take their leftism to ridiculous extremes in that town. I swear people could have sex with barnyard animals in the middle of the street at 12 noon and the morons there would think it was liberating and edgy. Very nice town. Very stupid brainwashed idiots living there, including the U of I faculty. Hey parents do not send your children to this insane asylum.

  4. Yeah. The imam tells me what little children I should poke. The professor tells me what little things I should think. How ’bout I toss ’em both in a pit together, and the winner… oh, look, we already have a winner.

  5. Gee Wally, I wanna see her go into vaporlock when we ask her to confront all the Black men with White girlfriends and wives!

    Actually Beave, she goes into vaporlock on the weekends when she gets together with multiple Black guys…

  6. For heaven’s sake where is this going to end!
    And why do we keep giving these crackpots airtime?

    God made all of us. He chose what skin color we would have. I am sick and tired of this white privileged crap and of all things white being offensive.

    Does she think we should spray paint everything one color? And what color would she choose that won’t offend anyone? How about we start with her and try out different shades and see what works!

  7. All these “professors” seem only able to profess their, don’t waste your money or future on what passes for higher education nowadays, you’re better off to buy the complete box set of Married with Children, trust me, it will better prepare you for real life and maybe give you a sense of humor.

  8. My beef isn’t with these retarded ‘professors’. It’s with the obscure publishers that glowingly shove them in the public limelight down everyones’ throat. Retarded doesn’t get airtime on its own.

  9. White people are not actually white like the marble those statues were chiseled from. We’re actually people of colour, just a lighter colour. She’s an idiot.

  10. Obviously, she’s never seen the Veronese ‘pink’ marble, which is actually very much the same tone as healthy Caucasian skin.

    Lordy! These libs really need more covfefe!

  11. She is laying the rationale to remove icons of Western culture in order to destroy it.

    Look at what is happening in the American South and Confederate statues, memorials and flags.

  12. It/she/he/zee has some contenders in Brazil. 1991 was my first year studying in College. I had the most unusual classmates in that History course, and that became evident in the first class of Teaching Directives And Basics, when the teacher used the term “carte blanche” about a law that teachers were supposed to follow. Immediately a dreadlocked girl lifted her hand and said “I object the use of that word ‘blanche’ . A black letter would have the same power.”

  13. I tried to die from an infection, I was almost there, and even saw the White Supremacist light with it’s Patriarchal hegemony, and then those Nazi White Supremacist blood cells invaded my system with their Junta, and oppressed my cells of color and now I am fine, if angry.
    Then I went outside, and those racist clouds blocked my sunshine.
    Next I tried to drive somewhere in my hybrid, and I noticed a racist white line oppressing the bicyclists in the road to follow their Nazi Directives, so I joined them to show solidarity, but they had been mind controlled by the Man and they called the cops.

  14. Gotta be a shame to be that age and not have a husband or even a boyfriend. Anyway, ought to cart her up and drop her in among the locals in Pakistan or the middle east (just about anywhere) and after a few years of wearing a Burqa, being raped and beaten everyday, made to bear kids like a brood mare I’ll bet she’d be happy to see a little white male superiority.

  15. One other thing. Republicans control the Governership, all branches of the state legislature as well as both Federal Senators and 3 of 4 Congressman. This hospital must be getting state funds so where the hell is the state government in questioning these moves by the hospital. Iowa City only has a population of 67 thousand so is kind of small but their city council and mayor are mostly left leaning with talk of social justice, equality and environment programs leading the way. Really, the Governor or the state assembly needs to step in and have a look at this University, it’s professors and the programs it runs (espcially the pediatric gender clinic it runs through its affiliation with the town hospital.

  16. Greek and Roman artists would carve white marble columns and then paint them red as far up as a person could reach. This was done to make it easier to hide dirty fingerprints. The marble busts were also painted for a similar reason, since we know, due to all the broken off noses that statues were often handled by the admirers.

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