In the end, this is what it comes down to – IOTW Report

In the end, this is what it comes down to

Interior of voting booth, showing lever in position to vote for Democrats Barack Obama and Joe Biden, also showing names of Republicans John McCain and Sarah Palin, Election Day 2008, Yonkers, New York, US.

12 Comments on In the end, this is what it comes down to

  1. Go ahead vote for Hilary.
    If that perfect embodiment of all that is dishonest and horrid wins, I will escape the Gulag and and eat my expansive lunch in full view of you bastards as you walk the fences looking for dandelions to eat.

  2. bill,

    It has ALWAYS been that way.

    People enter politics to enrich themselves and to further THEIR OWN agendas – if yours happens to coincide for a time, you become affiliated for that time.
    Permanent political parties, and the maggot who run them, have THEIR OWN agendas, as well as the political hacks they promote.

    They’re symbiotic, if not parasitic, relationships.

  3. Don’t count out the “bait and switch” using Hillary as was done in 08.
    People with short attention spans have forgotten how all the energy was pointed at Hillary and then we were caught flat footed when they put Soetoro in in place of her.
    The table is set.
    Either an indictment, or health issue, they get to run the same game that worked before.

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