In the left’s America you can be considered “subversively patriotic” – IOTW Report

In the left’s America you can be considered “subversively patriotic”


Math teacher loses job after defending Western Civilization.

A math teacher says she has lost her job at a private school in Southern California for speaking out in defense of Western Civilization — even though she made her comments outside the classroom.

Dr. Karen Siegemund, president of the Los Angeles-based American Freedom Alliance, gave a speech in May at the group’s “Long March Through the Institutions” conference, which “explored the Left’s ongoing multi-decade takeover attempt of numerous public and private institutions to effect a radical transformation of America.”

During her speech, she said “each of us here believes in the unparalleled force for good that is Western Civilization, that is our heritage, whether we were born here or not.”

Shortly thereafter she said she was informed that her teaching contract at Le Lycée Français de Los Angeles, a private K-12 school, would not be renewed.

“I even hesitated to wear anything with an American flag, not hesitated — I did not wear anything with an American flag on it — for fear of that being sort of too subversively patriotic … But I have promoted freedoms and independent thought.”


16 Comments on In the left’s America you can be considered “subversively patriotic”

  1. “Get control of the schools,use them as
    transmission belts to spread socialism”
    1 of the goals of communism and they
    are winning. Yuri says the brain washing
    can NEVER be reversed.

  2. Wait a minute. The only way they can consider other people *subversively* patriotic is if they believe they have already replaced the free country that you love with the socialist country that they love.

    Question: have they?

  3. She’ll be better off somewhere else.

    Oh, just as an aside: “Lycée Français de Los Angeles” actually means “Frog Surrender Monkeys of Los Angeles” or “Frog Cocksuckers of Los Angeles” depending on whether you use the ancient Burgundian or the archaic Provençal transliteration of “Lycée.” Or, if we take the Angoulême, a sub-dialect of Aquitainean, it could be construed as “Frogs Licking the Angels,” a direct reference to Sodom in Genesis.

    Of course, some interpretations may differ.

    izlamo delenda est …

  4. Speaking of brainwashing – I need a little assistance. I’m looking for a good news article to email my son about Pres. Trump trying to get obamacare reversed and the democrats/rinos blocking it. The left is now blaming PDT for the worse healthcare system.

    Greatly appreciated!

  5. @mickey – I did a search at Breitbart and found something – but thanks for the suggestion. It’s just that people here usually know exactly where to put their hands on the perfect thing.

  6. Le Lycée Français?
    Charles Martel, François-Marie Arouet (a/k/a Voltaire), Marie-Joseph Paul Yves Roch Gilbert du Motier (the Marquis de Lafayette), et al., are spinning in their graves.

    But maybe not the fictional Madame Defarge.

  7. @grool July 3, 2019 at 8:33 am

    > The only way they can consider other people *subversively* patriotic is if they believe they have already replaced the free country that you love with the socialist country that they love.
    > Question: have they?

    The Party approves of your attentiveness, Citizen grool.

    (Fake “question”: None of the above.)

  8. @grool July 3, 2019 at 8:33 am

    > The only way they can consider other people *subversively* patriotic is if they believe they have already replaced the free country that you love with the socialist country that they love.
    > Question: have they?

    The Party approves of your attentiveness, citizen grool.

    (Fake “question”: None of the above.)

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