In our military every vehicle is going to be green…and be driven by a soldier with green hair – IOTW Report

In our military every vehicle is going to be green…and be driven by a soldier with green hair

Get him the hell gone. Bu any means necessary.

ht/ C. Steven Tucker

29 Comments on In our military every vehicle is going to be green…and be driven by a soldier with green hair

  1. It too bad my dad is no longer with us to see this. As a life long Democrat, at least up until he came to realize jimmy carter was the stupidest MOFO on the planet. He would be hard pressed to get his head around this brain dead old pedo POS.

  2. Biden doesn’t have clue.
    Forcing experienced warriors out of the military, then wasting Department of Defense $Billions (our tax dollars) on worthless green vehicles that will cost more military lives.
    Lord, make it stop.

  3. …perhaps he can contract with Gandalf to have the eagles carry out drone strikes going forwards, it’s no stupider than stuff he’s ACTUALLY saying, and no less realistic, either…

  4. …I had a BB gun that you could pump the lever action more to get the BB to go faster.

    That’s probably what he’ll have issued to snipers.

    Everyone else gets clothepins and rubber bands.

  5. fkng dindus will be happy if everyone going into combat is non-lethally-armed & enviro-conscious. just a vietnam-era remf speaking here, but nauseated by the commie d-suckers.

  6. Horses aren’t very climate friendly either from all the road apples they leave behind. If we had all-green Army men they would all be little green plastic soldiers like kids play with or little green men from Mars. Can we make joey’s head explode by playing god awful Slim Whitman music to him?

  7. This started decdes before Joe! This merely points to the reason we got the shit beat out of us for 20 years in “War on Terror”! I have mentioned many times here an excellent article 3 years ago at A Thinker. It explained how the most liberal President in our history had a priority for o6 to get a flag – do you hate Ronny and therefore conservatives???!@#$%^&*!
    2 of. the Ronny haters now in the news this leftisrt President promoted are: Llolyd Austen – Mark Miley.

    Joe is a very bad President! But, like Don, was handed a woke military!


  8. “Nobody spends somebody else’s money as carefully as he spends his own. Nobody uses somebody else’s resources as carefully as he uses his own.”

    ― Milton Friedman

  9. If you gave joey one of those Sacajawea or Susan B Anthony dollar coins he’d think it was a quarter. Wooden nickel’s or phony 3 dollar bills with either slick willies or barry obummer’s mug on the front of the fake 3 dollar bills are more his style.

  10. Lithium battery powered tanks?

    We all saw that video of that motor skooter catch on fire, right? Imagine that happening to a tank. The explosion would take out the entire city of “Keev”.

  11. Green, green, well it is spring time & green is in! 20 to 30 Biolabs, but they missed the biggest one in my mom’s basement! Fuckin idiots just like… Retired nuclear weapon was replaced by a newer model, silly boy.
    I do really like most of comments though, there funny just like my 6 year old.

  12. Bullets flying, artillery exploding, buildings on fire belching huge clouds of thick blaCK smoke into the air. But they were delivered by “green” vehicles, so I guess it’s ok.


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