In the race to see which leftist could author the most outrageous claims of racism, we have a new leader – IOTW Report

In the race to see which leftist could author the most outrageous claims of racism, we have a new leader

I guess Damon Young, of The Root, can say he was only trying to be funny, but it’s not remotely funny. Not even a little. And, his dojo on The Root is a section called ‘Very Smart Brothers.” So we can assume this is one of his very smart brother rants.

What’s his beef?

It’s cold weather. Cold weather is racist.

A writer for Downtrend guessed that this “smart brother’s” reasoning would be that it costs more to live in a cold area, so cold weather outs more of a burden on poor people.

Still stupid, but at least somewhat of an argument. Young’s actual argument? Incomprehensible–

Cold weather is racist. Cold weather racially profiles, segregates, gentrifies, colonizes, appropriates and is responsible for (at least) 90 percent of the unseasoned meats brought to company potlucks this month.

I’ve called the wind a jive turkey; a splash of slush in my boots a goddamn good-for-nothin’ cracka; a lone snowflake somehow breaking from formation and finding its way past my parka, beneath my hoodie and down my neck a sucka-ass nigga.

This sounds more like cold weather turns him racist, but let’s not disrupt the smart brother’s rant. He’s on a roll.

How exactly is cold weather racist, you ask? Where is my proof? Well, first, fuck you for asking me to provide proof of racism. But since we’re here, the proof is that cold weather hates black people even though black people have been so nice and kind to cold weather that we don’t bother it where it lives.

If cold weather is walking down our side of the street, we cross the street. We’re even nice enough to stay in the house for months while cold weather’s out getting its groove on. Yet despite all of these concessions that we’ve made, cold weather still hates us. And the word for that type of undeserved hate of black people is racism.

So yes, cold weather is racist.

You see. Not funny. The funniest part of this is that it seems to mock the level of absurdity of black people’s claims of racism. And I will wager anything you want to wager that this is not Damon’s point.


36 Comments on In the race to see which leftist could author the most outrageous claims of racism, we have a new leader

  1. What a moronic turd. There’s a reason there are less than a million people of ANY color in Alaska, and I believe even less in Idaho. Cold “hates” everyone pretty much the same, including the rich white kid from DC who came here with his arrogant, disrespectful attitude and paid with his life, alone in an abandoned bus. So fuck off.

  2. Nah, he just came up with what he thought were witty connections and commentary and put it to music. And all those commentets at the article are so genius they know cold won’t freeze the sweaty clothes a white guy leaves in the trunk of his car.

    And the free freezer/refrigeration provided by cold doesn’t distinguish by race! (Yeah, we really do use the back deck as a freezer!)

  3. “Cold weather is racist. Cold weather racially profiles, segregates, gentrifies, colonizes, appropriates…” Cold weather wins! It does every possible racist thing.
    That rant must be satire. But the way things are today, it’s impossible to be sure.

  4. Cold, hell, the most racist of all is aspirin.
    Process to manufacture Invented by a French man, manufactured by a German company, you have to pick cotton to use it, it’s white and it works, dat’s rasus.
    Refreshing to see Damon proving the stereotypes, unprompted.

  5. This is satire, and would have been funny 10 years ago. But satire cannot work unless it is more ridiculous than the real world. Since 2008, progressives and the Obama administration have promoted a claimed alternative reality that satire cannot possibly match.

  6. “Reductio ad Absurdum” – A form of argument which attempts either to disprove a statement by showing it inevitably leads to a ridiculous, absurd, or impractical conclusion, or to prove one by showing that if it were not true, the result would be absurd or impossible.

  7. Ever notice Brothers who have a Black only following, tend to use these words – Gentrified and Appropriated. Are these words of a God with an endless vocabulary, or just the words he knew that would make him look smart ? Go ahead and ask him to define the words… it’s not going to happen !

  8. Same old script, just rearranged, substituting ‘cold’ for anything the ‘outraged’ choose to use.

    Leftist NEVER have original thoughts. They just rant scripted talking points. This guy just gathered as many as his little mind could find and put them all together. WHAT A JACKBUTT!

  9. Clearly the guy is joking. Let’s not get as ridiculous as women who wear pussy hats or people who insist that Putin somehow helped Trump win the election, okay?

  10. Our friend has elucidated the plight of the Black folk in America.
    By his own words they consider themselves chattel, completely without personal agency or ability to change their lot.
    By his own words the modern black is completely at the mercy of the world, and without the ability to choose where to live, unable to warm himself or provide warmth for his family
    By his own words they are inherently unable to control their destiny, to choose a path forward.
    By his own words they are still slaves. Not to White people, but to the entire world around them, unable to change their station, and do anything to improve their lot.
    By his own words, they are infants.

  11. If you’ve ever been in San Diego in the Winter and it gets below 40 it is cold to them. I laughed at the all the So. Californians when it was that cold and wore a light jacket and a long sleeved undershirt and they froze their asses off all bundled up. And that was when I used to ride my bike to get to NAS Miramar from a few miles away. And snow was something else to them, something rarely if ever seen.

  12. Chicago winters save low Albedo Rate
    assholes like him.
    Murders in 2017 for June and July
    in the 80s; For Nov. Dec. in the 50’s. The cold is almost as good
    as jail to keep them from slaughtering one another.

  13. I thank God for the cold weather we get where I live.
    It kills germs and insects and clears the vagrant squatters out of public spaces.

    We don’t have bath salts cannibals living under the interstate overpasses.

    And snowmobiling.

  14. A very dumb, unfunny “brother”. Once again black people are characterized as victims of circumstance. In reality, black people are their worst enemy.
    BTW, Sick of the constant negative response to the change of seasons, which is not an anomaly. I blame the Left’s hate filled, sensational, marginalized global warming ideology.

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