In Twitter Convo, Cruz and Ocasio-Cortez Find Common Ground For a Potential New Bill – IOTW Report

In Twitter Convo, Cruz and Ocasio-Cortez Find Common Ground For a Potential New Bill

10 Comments on In Twitter Convo, Cruz and Ocasio-Cortez Find Common Ground For a Potential New Bill

  1. Maybe not. Lobbyists are crippling honest government and AOC has taken a lot of damage lately she seems to be looking for a deal. Besides, she’s not the brightest bulb in the box and if you could get a law to limit lobbying and have to give some credit to a Dem then why not her, it’s not as if she’ll be able to take any real advantage of it.

  2. Ted Cruz will always be a narcissist opportunist, he can’t help himself. Doesn’t matter if he is aligning himself with a communist bot determined to destroy our system of government, he just wants to be in the headlines at all costs.
    The only reason AOC wants Congressional lobbying ban is to make it easier for her socialist comrades seeking office in the future avoid capitalist competition, even if it is parasitic congressional lobbyists. Thank God he’ll never be President. Cruz would compromise with the devil to stay “relevant”. *shudder*

  3. I think it’s a great idea! Ted is not a dope, like him or not, but AOC is no smarter than a bowl of Bar Nutz. With her so called “fame” she may actually have an opportunity to drive a bill forward but with NO pork? My bet is she won’t be able to handle the swamps response and ted will set her up for the fall.


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