In Weird Plot Twist – Pelosi Attacker is an Illegal Immigrant – IOTW Report

In Weird Plot Twist – Pelosi Attacker is an Illegal Immigrant

Epoch Times-

The man who allegedly attacked Paul Pelosi is an illegal immigrant, U.S. officials have confirmed.

“U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) lodged an immigration detainer on Canadian national David DePape with San Francisco County Jail, Nov. 1, following his Oct. 28 arrest,” the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) told The Epoch Times in an email.

DHS is the parent agency of ICE, which is tasked with removing people who are in the United States illegally.

Immigration detainers are placed on suspects who are illegal immigrants. They are meant to prevent state or local officials from releasing the suspects.

If a suspect is due to be released, the detainer means officials hand over the person to federal officials, unless local officials defy the request.

Adam Lipson, DePape’s public defender, indicated after DePape’s arraignment this week that he was representing an illegal immigrant.

“He currently has a federal hold so he can’t be released anyway,” Lipson told reporters when asked about the motion for no bail entered by the San Francisco District Attorney’s Office.

Lipson could not be reached for comment.


16 Comments on In Weird Plot Twist – Pelosi Attacker is an Illegal Immigrant

  1. You didn’t know it, but I have connections and got to interview Paul Pelosi soon as he was released from the hospital. I was curious if there was any indication that a hammer blow is imminent. He responded that although his memory is a bit clouded, to the best of his recollection it was preceded by a severe pounding in the rectum.

  2. funny … the only person that DHS bothers to deport is Paulie Pelosi’s part-time paramour

    that’s ok, they have book deals in Canada too …. working title … ‘Hammer Time’


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