PHenry sends us this anecdote—>
The Democrats are now circling wagons dealing with one of their own (Uncle Joe Biden) being accused of inappropriate sexual behavior by stuff like smelling a woman’s hair, putting a hand on their thigh, hugging, etc.It reminds me of when I was a Project Manager for a government contractor.Lisa came into my office and complained that every day, a male co-worker walked up very close to her standing at the coffee machine, does not touch her but inhales a big breath of air and tells her that her hair smells nice. After a week of this, she said she could not stand it anymore, and was bringing her complaint to me and stated that she wanted to file an inappropriate sexual behavior grievance against him.I was puzzled by Lisa’s decision and asked, “What in the world do you find sexually threatening about a co-worker telling you your hair smells nice?” Lisa replied, “It’s Keith, the midget.
Oh, my. That does lend a different angle in the problem.
-1 for Boooooolean true!
(That sounds like PHenry.)
We must be scared of Joe in the 2020 election. Nothing else explains the amount of coverage.
Or are the democrats afraid of Joe and have to kill him off like this, and conservatives are just taking up their talking points?
Which is it? I’m slow about this middle school hall politics.
OH! Ewwwwuuuuu
WWBFD? (What Would Billy Fuster Do)?
Soupy Sales said,”if skirts get any shorter women will have to cut their hair twice”).
Then again, Lisa is a liar because she’s been shaving and hasn’t had pubic hair since she was 12. She also uttered the verboten descriptive word “midget” which I believe today is a capital crime under the inclusive diversity guidelines issued by HR.
So, Lisa will be fired, and her employment history will have enough dog whistles attached she’ll never be gainfully employed anywhere, ever again.
Jeez, I’m reading Swallowswell just jumped into the 2020 Libtard Presidential Clown Car. I think that’s 19. If Biden commits it would be 20. The debates will be one question each and last a week. I’m buying popcorn futures.
At least midget Keith was very direct about it and not beating around the bush with excuses like Joe Biden.
(This story is competing with the NCAA Championship game as well as a Johnny Carson rerun.)
Was let go for far less than what Creepy Joe has done.
I blame my old buddy Pete for recycling that old joke. I also blame Fur for posting it on the blog.
Am I turning into a democrat? Blaming everyone but myself for my bad behavior and all.
Remember that shampoo brand, “Gee your hair smells terrific”?
Biden’s new memoir:
Dreams From My Fondle
“Am I turning into a democrat?”
No, but we are getting concerned about your fixation with hairy Democrats.
Kieth was sniffing. The beating came later.
Uncle Al – but his nose was running and pheromone tears were running down his cheeks.
This is hilarious, but I didn’t intend to start a Jimmy war.
Top Jimmy is Top Jimmy and the other Jimmy can be “Jimmy James”
“Jimmy James” also gets it own theme song by the beastie boys.
So it all works out.
I think Jimmy is like a cameleon, Aaron Burr, because, as he pointed out somewhere else, he’s in the process of trying to retire and doesn’t know how to do that – so he changes colors a lot.
This is simply for bookkeeping purposes. We can’t have a pack of wild Jimmies running around this place.
Top Jimmy is Top Jimmy because Top Jimmy commented in a thread I was in. If the other Jimmy had been there, he would have scored the coveted “Top Jimmy” moniker, Van Halen theme song, and smoking baby cherub avatar.
As it is, he’s “Jimmy James” and can work it out with the Beastie Boys.
All other Jimmies are “Other Jimmy” until we can sort them out too.
Yeah, keep the story going about Joe Biteme. Isn’t he the worst?
Anyway, for a full listing of songs about Jimmy, consult your local library.
In the meantime, here are 66 different Jimmy songs. Each Jimmy can pick one each and this whole Jimtastrophy can be put behind us.
(for my money JIMMY THE EXPLODER is a pretty cool moniker)
And to think I was just wondering what the Dems would be saying if Joey was sniffing panties instead of hair…