Inauguration Day Should Be Interesting, and Potentially Violent – IOTW Report

Inauguration Day Should Be Interesting, and Potentially Violent

The National Park Service has handed out nearly all of their permits to lefty groups who plan on “Occupying the Inauguration.”

Bikers for Trump applied for a permit so that they could be a buffer between the protestors and Trump’s day.

Strap yourselves in, this may be a bumpy ride.



16 Comments on Inauguration Day Should Be Interesting, and Potentially Violent

  1. In the Sixties, they used to crack skulls and the public at large loved it. Poor cops today have to grin and bear it mostly. It’s up to the civilians now to push back as you see in the news often.

  2. Exp­eri­ence i­s a­ bi­g fa­cto­r when yo­u­ a­re ho­pi­ng fo­r sta­rtu­p bu­si­ness lo­a­ns. Yo­u­ sho­u­ld ha­ve yea­rs o­f experi­ence i­n the li­ne o­f wo­rk yo­u­ wa­nt to­ sta­rt yo­u­r o­wn bu­si­ness a­nd yo­u­ sho­u­ld be a­ble to­ co­nvi­nce the ba­nk yo­u­ a­re the ri­ght perso­n to­ o­pen the co­mpa­ny. a­ ba­nk ma­y thi­nk yo­u­ ha­ve the best i­dea­ ever bu­t i­f they do­ no­t thi­nk yo­u­ a­re ski­lled eno­u­gh fo­r the co­mpa­ny to­ genera­te revenu­e o­r to­ ma­na­ge the bu­si­ness they wi­ll no­t lend yo­u­ mo­ney.

    HERE►Click thiss …..>

  3. I will be there. Have had my reservations for a long while. Then I got extra worried about getting into DC from Alexandria (even though there is a metro line quite near), so I made a hotel reservation for just the 19th in the city. That way I don’t have to worry. Concurrent accommodation reservations, and I have a safe place to keep my car too (Alex.). I expect it may be easier to get OUT of DC on the 20th than it will be to get in, so will metro out once I am done being festive.

  4. Unexpectedly, most National “barricade the war memorial” Service permits have been given out to leftist protest groups. First come, first served. Right.

    Hope PE Trump has somebody in mind to purge the fascist assholes from that agency.

  5. Wow! Sounds like the Neo-Nazis are ready to inflict their brand of “justice” (meaning how dare anyone disagree with them) on innocents, who are simply exercising their first amendment right to peaceably assemble.

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