TV Commercial:

“All our lives growing up we thought we were Sunni islamic savages! We killed Jews, beat our women, beheaded anyone who wouldn’t submit. Then we sent away to for our DNA test. Turns out, we’re not Sunni islamic savages. We’re Shiite islamic savages! So we traded in our…well…OK, basically we still kill Jews, beat our women and behead anyone who won’t submit. But, we’re Shiite islamic savages!”      -Irony Curtain

13 Comments on INCESTRY.COM

  1. TV Commercial:

    “All our lives growing up we thought we were Sunni islamic savages! We killed Jews, beat our women, beheaded anyone who wouldn’t submit. Then we sent away to for our DNA test. Turns out, we’re not Sunni islamic savages. We’re Shiite islamic savages! So we traded in our…well…OK, basically we still kill Jews, beat our women and behead anyone who won’t submit. But, we’re Shiite islamic savages!”

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