Incoherent, Brainless SJW Tries To Shut Down Crowder’s “Change My Mind” Segment on Campus – IOTW Report

Incoherent, Brainless SJW Tries To Shut Down Crowder’s “Change My Mind” Segment on Campus

31 Comments on Incoherent, Brainless SJW Tries To Shut Down Crowder’s “Change My Mind” Segment on Campus

  1. Made it to 3:20. Crowder’s a physically capable guy. I can’t really tell if this ass bites a guy or a woman. I can tell you if ass bite didn’t have 12 people cheering him on he’d be shitting twinkies. Impressive Crowder has the balls to leave his safe zone and confront this ass hole. Which you can tell shook the asshole for a bit. Having said all that, I’m not sure the wisdom of confrontations on college/communist campuses anymore. One of ours is going to get hurt bad. Again.

  2. Just another mouth piece spouting sound bites and getting zapped and hiding behind anger, when asked to complete a sentence or accusation. So eager to make fools of themselves.

  3. When the person of color who you assume, because you’re a blithering idiot, will be on your side, sticks up for your enemy. The look of oh crap on his face.😂

  4. Why are they so damn eager to prove they are totally obtuse?
    Arrogant asshole.
    No participation trophy for you, Cuck.

    ‘Member when you made a total fool of yourself in front of a crowd of strangers?
    That was awesome.

  5. A loud mouthed punk who thought he was going to stir the crowd into a frenzy and shortly realized he really had no coherent argument to make. He was squirming and uncomfortable and just wanted to slink back into the crowd. Sometimes you can’t even buy charisma.

  6. “Come at me, bro…come the fuck at me.”

    These soft boys have the latest catch-phrase lingo down…with not a single ounce of muscle to back it up.
    He’s going to spew that cute little catch phrase to the wrong person sometime and be picking his teeth up off the ground as he tries to insert them back into his previously coy, but now bloody crimson mouth.

    And I for one will applaud it when the YouTube video goes viral.

  7. Watched it again, loading problems.
    At about the 5 min mark, Ida nut punched the Froot Loop.
    He has a minimal grasp on how sarcasm works.
    I could teach him, would have to hit him first.


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