Incoming NY Governor Kathy Hochul WILL introduce mask mandate in classrooms and will shut down schools if Delta variant uncontrolled – IOTW Report

Incoming NY Governor Kathy Hochul WILL introduce mask mandate in classrooms and will shut down schools if Delta variant uncontrolled

Define “controlled.”

I don’t think these idiots know that the jab does not eradicate the virus, nor does a mask. So, I think masks should be mandatory 24/7 and no more school, ever again.


  • Hochul takes office on August 23, replacing Andrew Cuomo who lifted all COVID restrictions earlier this summerย 
  • She said on Thursday that she will introduce a mask mandate and will be speaking with the health commissioner today
  • She also hinted that she may close schools again if Delta spirals out of control
  • ‘There may not be a decision made now that may even hold in a couple of weeks because I don’t know what the variant is going to do or any new variants,’ she saidย 
  • Delta is making kids sicker than the previous variants, with hospitalizations on the rise
  • It is sending more adults to the hospital now than earlier this year but not as many as the first wave of infections last April
  • Nearly 70% of New Yorkers over 18 are fully vaccinated; 76% have had their first doseย 
  • more

Delta is making kids sicker than previous variants?

From the CDC

Covid Deaths in the U.S. from 01/01/2020 through 08/11/21

Age 0-17: 354

The following stats are for the same age bracket and length of time:

Deaths from pneumonia- 859

Deaths from Influenza- 188

I’d say mental illness is more of a problem than Covid.

23 Comments on Incoming NY Governor Kathy Hochul WILL introduce mask mandate in classrooms and will shut down schools if Delta variant uncontrolled

  1. I’ll say it. By and large, women are shitty leaders. The best they do is mismanage everything into a stifling, go-nowhere shit hole. At worst, they empower the worst and most demonic men to set up an anarchotyranny. More than half of them are shitty voters, because it’s the same portion of them that are fucking insane.

  2. This Hochul-Upchuck woman is a faker to beat all. Since she denies having any knowledge about the Cuomo groping assaults RIGHT UNDER HER NOSE, it equates to her being uncaring and inattentive, not good qualities for any governor position. Add that on her bio she states she upholds NY’s “progressive values” which translates to her intentions to being abusive and unjust towards those who don’t hold her stupid progressive creeds, with much of NY being red which is slyly hidden by corrupt media, adulterated vote machines, and swampy pols. Kick this one to the dung pile, NY.


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