Incredible- Federal Judge (Stacey Abrams’ Sister!) Orders Two Georgia Counties to Cease Removing Ineligible Voters from Rolls – IOTW Report

Incredible- Federal Judge (Stacey Abrams’ Sister!) Orders Two Georgia Counties to Cease Removing Ineligible Voters from Rolls


A federal judge who is the sister of spurned Georgia gubernatorial candidate Stacey Abrams is blocking two Georgia counties from purging ineligible voters from their rolls in the runup to the January Senate runoff election, raising questions as to her impartiality in the case. Judge Leslie Abrams Gardner ruled that two counties cannot remove thousands of voters who have filed a change of address with the US Postal Service on Monday night, with liberal Democrat groups arguing that the registrations should be preserved even after their former holders have officially changed their addresses to locations outside of Georgia.

The overwhelming majority of voter registrations that Abrams is blocking from being annulled are located in a a county that Joe Biden won overwhelmingly in November. 4,000 outdated voter registrations in Muscogee County will now be accepted as valid in the runoff election, should those registered with them vote. A much smaller pool of 150 registrations in pro-Trump Ben Hill County will be also remain in place. Both counties had previously agreed to purge their voter rolls of voters who submitted change of address documentation with the Postal Service.


43 Comments on Incredible- Federal Judge (Stacey Abrams’ Sister!) Orders Two Georgia Counties to Cease Removing Ineligible Voters from Rolls

  1. regardless of in-state address changes, if she is permitting out of state residents to vote, she is an accessory to the crime of voter fraud. The ‘change of address’ form sent to the USPS is a valid statement of place of residence.

  2. 4000 ineligible voters voting for the democrats in GA means 1 democrat vote counts as 1.0016, while a single republican vote counts as 0.9984.

    And it’s repubs who are accused of taking away your right to vote. But that’s not what simple math says. Oh yea, no wonder there’s a push for commie core.

  3. She’s just fine-tuning the margin of victory. It’s like whack-a-mole: Riff Raff makes a show of tamping down vote fraud over here, the Dems pump up the vote fraud over there. This shit will be happening all week, but the end result has been predetermined. Yet I will vote, in the vain hope that the Dems’ maf is bad.

  4. Joe6Pak that is teh definition of tyranny.
    It’s what 2A is for.
    We’d better get out heads around that.
    History has come crashing down on our shoulders. Will we have the strength and courage to shoulder the load?


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