India: Doctors Remove 526 Teeth From 7-Year-Old Boy’s Mouth – IOTW Report

India: Doctors Remove 526 Teeth From 7-Year-Old Boy’s Mouth

…Doctors there performed a CT Scan and took X-rays and what they found left them shocked – there was a large lesion in the boy’s mouth filled with hundreds of teeth.

28 Comments on India: Doctors Remove 526 Teeth From 7-Year-Old Boy’s Mouth

  1. Brace yourself, it’s a weird story.
    Poor kid was down in the mouth for years.
    Glad they got to the root of the problem. Dontia feel bad for that kid?

    [Thank you. Thank you…I’m here all week implanting humor [No refunds] ]

  2. Sounds like something you’d see on a horror anime’. My pities and sympathies to the young boy. Not only for the genetic anomaly, but for the doctors’ skills that are going to treat him (shudder)

  3. Thank goodness he wasn’t long in the tooth. But while he was taking it on the chin, the doctors were enameled with the boy’s tolerance for pain. It took a fair amount of gumshoe work to figure out how to extract them all.

    (Okay, I can’t compete with MJA.)


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