India looks to lure more than 1,000 American companies out of China – IOTW Report

India looks to lure more than 1,000 American companies out of China

Economic Times / Archana Chaudhary: India is seeking to lure U.S. businesses, including medical devices giant Abbott Laboratories, to relocate from China as President Donald Trump’s administration steps up efforts to blame Beijing for its role in the coronavirus pandemic.

The government in April reached out to more than 1,000 companies in the U.S. and through overseas missions to offer incentives for manufacturers seeking to move out of China, according to Indian officials who asked not to be identified, citing rules on speaking with the media. India is prioritizing medical equipment suppliers, food processing units, textiles, leather and auto part makers among more than 550 products covered in the discussions, they said. more here

21 Comments on India looks to lure more than 1,000 American companies out of China

  1. How does sending US businesses to INDIA help US workers?
    US Businesses must return to the US or tariffs and taxes will be devastating. NO more loop holes or incentives.

  2. Who will come after Modi, and how reasonable will he be? Plus, it would be an awful thing if India and Pakistan should ever start tossing nukes at each other, but if they do any businesses the U.S. relies upon would likely be interrupted, said Captain Obvious.

    The U.S. has generally good relations with India, and I’m glad about that. However, it would be best to lure Abbott and other essential businesses back to the U.S.

  3. “President Donald Trump concluded a showy state visit to India on Tuesday with plenty of impressive photos but without major announcements on trade or security.”—CNN, 2/25/2020

    CNN…always twenty steps behind, because of their TDS Ball & Chain.

  4. There are many good, hardworking people in India.
    There are many who are neither.
    I lived in India 4 years, recently. India is the filthiest place I have EVER lived. Theft and dishonesty appear to be respected as a Trade.
    Having national average IQ of 80, meaning half the people you will be dealing with have an IQ less than 80.
    Great place to visit, lots to see, do and eat. Just keep an eye on your belongings and wash your hands … A LOT
    I would not recommend planning a business in India, required bribes alone would cut profits by 20%. Theft another 20%

  5. I would rather we help support India as opposed to china. India is the closest thing to a “democracy” in the region. I agree that it would be better for 1000 companies to be repatriated but even without those plants, we were at record low unemployment before the plandemic. We will rebound.

  6. Exchanging a big evil for a lesser evil, still an evil. Have we learned nothing about USA’s foreign dependence for supplies during critical demand (even bullsht COVID lies)?

  7. @cato May 9, 2020 at 9:14 am

    > US Businesses must return to the US

    Imma type this… real… slow… cause… reasons…



  8. Can we instead, as consumers, re-evaluate our consumption, and place appropriate values on all the things we think we need (and need immediately)?
    Half the cheap crap made in China does not need to be made anywhere. How about we value well made, American made stuff and buy more of it at higher prices with all the money we save by not buying lots of cheap, trendy, imported Everything that needs to be replaced again soon?

  9. “Having national average IQ of 80, meaning half the people you will be dealing with have an IQ less than 80.”

    we already have that problem here in the usa.
    they are called democrats

  10. @Little Morphin’ Annie:

    Can we instead, as consumers, re-evaluate our consumption, and place appropriate values on all the things we think we need (and need immediately)?

    Yep. I’m doing my small part. My old Chinese phone was in the process of dying and needed to be replaced. I found no U.S.-made phones that met my criteria, but I did find that most Samsung (a Korean company) gear is NOT made in China. My new Note 10+ was manufactured in Vietnam. Not that I’m much of a fan of that country, but at least it isn’t China.

    I’ve begun always to check country of origin for all purchases. If I can’t find that specified, I assume China and look elsewhere.

  11. Give the pharma stuff back to PR. It was there up to 20
    years ago until PayChing grabbed it. Then we could cut
    some of the huge welfare etc. payments back and get some
    taxes out of the place while insuring our meds supply stayed under US control.

  12. India is as bad as China and look around tech companies, who are the executive leaders – mostly Indians now. They have their own plans to infiltrate and take over America AND they are extremely racist. Try working for an Indian company – the cream never breaks their glass ceiling no matter how qualified.

  13. Anyone who has called tech support knows that you have a very small percent of your calls that are answered by someone who speaks English as their first language.

    I have had my cable box fried by what a so-called tech agent told me to do. There were times when I was so frustrated by trying to explain my issue and have the tech understand what I’m saying, that I had to tell them I will have to call back later. And what causes me to be crabby is when they read from a script, say my name in every sentence and thank me every five minutes for calling. That adds up when you are on the phone with them for over an hour … each and every time!

    Bring customer service and tech support back to the USA.


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