Indian Band Blockading Roads Had Received $272 Million in Federal Grants – IOTW Report

Indian Band Blockading Roads Had Received $272 Million in Federal Grants

Fox News

According to federal data reviewed by Fox News Digital, the Lac du Flambeau Band of Lake Superior Chippewa Indians has received approximately $272 million in federal funding since 2013. The Department of Health and Human Services has granted $125.8 million while the Department of Interior (DOI) and Bureau of Indian Affairs (BIA) granted another $36.8 million to the tribe.

In addition, the tribe has received $4.8 million between 2018 and 2022 from the Department of Transportation’s (DOT) Tribal Transportation Program which was designed to “provide safe and adequate transportation and public road access to and within Indian reservations.” The four roads being barricaded are each listed under the program, meaning they have been funded by taxpayers. Extract

23 Comments on Indian Band Blockading Roads Had Received $272 Million in Federal Grants

  1. Block all roads leading to the reservation with the exception of the roads Presently blocked. Withhold all federal funds to the Reservation until their greed has subsided.
    Another protected class, there’s never enough money to satisfy them.

  2. The Lac du Flambeau band have troublemakers for decades. They were very militant about their hunting and fishing treaty rights and really annoyed their neighbors. Not to say that they were breaking laws or violating their rights, just that they really angered a lot of locals with their behavior.

  3. What is lost on most people is that the Indians fought the US military to a standstill damn near every time. The US government practically without exception was who instigated the process of bargaining terms of a truce. In almost every case both sides came to an agreement and swore to abide by such. Although there were violations of the terms committed by both sides, practically without exception it was big money interests on the east coast that instigated one sided wholesale abandonment of the terms of the treaties. It truly amazes me how it is that people who comprehend the absolute lack of respect for honor and dignity in one’s dealings by their contemporary elected and appointed representatives in Washington DC have some misguided notion that this is a novel and recent development.

    I’m not all that familiar with the specifics in this case, and from what I do know of it am more inclined to think the Tribe is not in the right. That being said, the willingness of some people, who take offense when their rights are given short shrift or outright violated, to consider the Tribes to always be in the wrong is something I find offensive.

    I have had heated discussions with Tribal members regarding how some Treaty rights are to be interpreted and implemented, but the reason that I can remain on good terms with them is that I have the integrity to acknowledge that the US government agreed to the terms and promised to upkeep their end of the bargain. Therefore they do have those rights under the law. Included in that is a degree of sovereignty none else enjoy.

    The biggest problem I see on the reservations I am familiar with is their propensity to elect the absolute worst element among them to represent them. Sound familiar?

  4. I’m not a big fan of it, but imminent domain comes to mind
    and, if it is a boundry, or border as they seem to define it, then interstate commerce is involved
    the national guard should be there
    sounds like another job for pothole pete. he’s not busy
    why is something like this tolerated?

  5. “Some distribute their own goods, and grow richer: others take away what is not their own, and are always in want.”
    (Proverbs 11:24)

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  6. Why do I have to pay Property, Health, & Income Taxes at work and they don’t?

    Either you are IN or OUT.

    Don’t pay taxes, skip the Dentist, Doctors, Fuel, Electricity and voting.

    The Exact same shit is happening up here in Canuckistan.

    Shit or get off the pot, Eh!

  7. mod
    MARCH 12, 2023 AT 4:01 PM
    “Welfare NEVER, EVER, EVER works. EVER.”

    It works perfectly. It was designed to buy votes for dimorats *USING OTHER PEOPLE’S MONEY* and it does.

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