Indian Identity Crisis – IOTW Report

Indian Identity Crisis

You might think the plague of gangs and drugs would be the most pressing issue for tribal America or perhaps the fact that those who live on reservations can’t own their own homes or the land they live on. Or maybe Diabetes and the many health issues that haunt Native American populations.   While all are deep concerns, the issue roiling the reservations today is the dis-enrollment of tribe members by their fellows. It comes down to simple math, really. The smaller the tribe the larger the share of casino money for individual members. More


12 Comments on Indian Identity Crisis

  1. A microcosm of Society….The same reason Socialism doesn’t

    work….Some People are greedy..some People are dishonest

    some People are murderous…some People don’t contribute

    some People are natural prey…

  2. Poor Lazlo lives quite near a Res with a casino and happened to speak with an Indian lawyer for an hour or so.
    He said that since the casino was built he went from practicing law for is tribe members, to exclusively suing and counter suing the Tribe and or members over this very thing.
    I don’t like the res because of how they treat dogs.

  3. I had thought having ever member of the tribe do a DNA ancestry check might go a long ways towards settling who’s in and who’s out, but there might be a problem for a number of members to of some tribes to be even a 1/16th Native American.

    Good thing you can always tell by the height of the cheek bones.

  4. The Reservations are exempt form income tax. Yet they still live in squalor.

    There are a couple of Tribes in Louisiana. They have casinos. You can’t do business if your are a building contractor because they can refuse to pay you and there is no recourse. They are sovereign.

  5. The Indians, (Indian Nation), are/is granted the status of a ‘Sovereign Nation’ which means they can dictate their own laws without the interference of United States federal laws.
    How phucking convenient is that?? And…all the while….they will be supported, reinforced, backed-up or otherwise monetarily sustained by the tax-paying American whities.

  6. BB
    That is a good movie but as per usual the scape goat was the oil and gas industry.

    If they wanted to expose the facts of rape and abuse on reservations they would have to go no farther than the families of the victims.

    Lots of problems on the res and this movie did a good job pointing out these problems. Problem with the movie is that it wasn’t they dumped it on the “bad guys”

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