Indiana Gov. Mike Pence Signs Bill Mandating Aborted Babies Must be Buried or Cremated – IOTW Report

Indiana Gov. Mike Pence Signs Bill Mandating Aborted Babies Must be Buried or Cremated

Your move, maniacs.

ht/ Mary From Marin

7 Comments on Indiana Gov. Mike Pence Signs Bill Mandating Aborted Babies Must be Buried or Cremated

  1. Next step, a Federal Judge appointed by 39, 42 or 44 will rule that this somehow violates the mother’s Constitutional right to an abortion. You know, another Black Robe Mafia® Constructed Constitutional Right.

  2. The real issue here is that PP supposedly now can’t sell off the parts. They’ll either violate that law or contract with a local crematorium and pass the cost on to the customer.

    The customer won’t really be affected any differently, they already pay.

    This essentially just increases the cost of an abortion in Indiana and screws PP.

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