Indiana: Kokomo police say Walmart store draining resources – IOTW Report

Indiana: Kokomo police say Walmart store draining resources

FOX59: Another Indiana town is expressing frustration with its Walmart store, claiming the business is using too much of its police resources.

walmart logo

Kokomo police say last year officers responded to more than 400 runs to the Walmart store.

“There’s a problem,” said Major Brian Seldon. “It’s a drain on our resources that’s for sure.”

Now the City Common Council is considering passing an ordinance that would allow the city to fine public nuisance properties like big box stores or apartment complexes that use police resources too often for minor disturbances. The council passed the first reading of the ordinance.  more

22 Comments on Indiana: Kokomo police say Walmart store draining resources

  1. I would suspect this “common council” is the same council that gave Walmart tax abatement to relocate to their city.

    Maybe a portion of the tax revenue generated by Walmart should used for police resources in the city of 57,000.

    Right? Common Council?

  2. It’s not Walmart. It’s the “Folk’s” at Walmart who can’t mind their manners. If I’m in a situation where I have to call for the EMT, I am responsible for the cost. Nothing wrong with requiring restitution for the police run either.

  3. Wassamadda?!?
    No free doughnuts from Walmart?

    Maybe Walmart should reconsider its presence there.
    They did so in Washington, DC,
    and the DC Council got the VAPORS.


  4. Oh, c’mon! I have low expectations when it comes to govt functionaries and intelligence, and it takes something really moronic to get my attention – and this is moronic.

    The problem, OF COURSE, is that some people are simply assholes who think nothing of criminally victimizing whoever they feel like if they think (that should be “think” in quotation marks, I guess) they can get away with it. If you have a place that is big and draws people to it, like, um, a Wal-Mart, you will inevitably have a higher concentration of such assholes there than if they were still distributed throughout the town. And if those assholes were so distributed, they’d still be crims and they’d still be the reason for police calls.

    The local cops should thank Wal-Mart for concentrating the assholes in one place and helping reduce time on the road and wear and tear on the cruisers.

    Seriously, though, if Wal-Mart weren’t there, there would likely be fewer 911 calls. But that would be because there would be fewer people living AND PAYING TAXES in the town: the store employees themselves and all those living on the edge and only getting by because of the lower prices they pay at places best exemplified by Wal-Marts.

  5. I It’s not Walmart. It’s the “Folk’s” at Walmart who can’t mind their manners.

    Well, build a WalMart, and sooner or later WalMartians are gonna show up…

  6. This is about creating secondary jobs for the LEO’s. Clicking through to the article that the first thing the other town was forced to do. Charging the criminals a fee or mileage as some have expressed would be calls for the “racial injustice” ala Ferguson.

  7. Like its Wally Worlds fault all the lowlifes hang out there. Gimme a friggin break. I may not be a big Walmart fan but even I’m smart enough to know its not their fault that lowlifes shop there. Why don’t they just move the Walmart to a better part of town? HUH! Problem solved, maybe till the disadvantaged bitch and moan that they ain’t got a decent place to shop since the lowlifes and scumbags chased it away.

  8. Here’s the solution: simply pass an ordinance that specifies that any and all fines levied against persons arrested at Wal-Mart go directly to the local police annual BBQ and Christmas party funds. I guarantee the cops will be lined up to respond to calls from Wal-Mart after that, with no complaints whatsoever.


  9. Not hard to figure out. Walmart generates a lot of traffic. That brings out the homeless beggars. Homeless beggars = criminals, druggies, crazy folks. So yeah, there are more police calls.

  10. Somehow, I’m guessing that this complaint about Walmart is a PC way of getting out of criticizing the kind of people who are ripping off Walmart regularly. I can just guess at the typical description of the typical person ripping off Walmart there.

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