Indiana Man Arrested For DUI Driving a Power Wheels – IOTW Report

Indiana Man Arrested For DUI Driving a Power Wheels

An Indiana man has been arrested for driving a children’s Power Wheels toy car while intoxicated.

James McKee, 51, was stopped by Indiana State Police in Vincennes around 9 p.m. on Wednesday for driving without lights or a reflector.

The trooper said McKee was driving the toy car “erratically and showing signs of impairment.”

McKee then failed a field sobriety test.

Local station WTHR reports, “tests at a local hospital indicated the man was under the influence of methamphetamine and marijuana.”

“Police arrested the man and took him to the Knox County Jail. He faces a preliminary charge of operating a vehicle while intoxicated with a prior conviction, a felony,” the report explains. more

12 Comments on Indiana Man Arrested For DUI Driving a Power Wheels

  1. There was a guy arrested, charged, and convicted of DWI some years ago who wasn’t even driving – in fact, he was asleep in the back seat.

    But he left the keys in the ignition.

    “The Law is an ass!”

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  2. My little hamlet in beanfield MO has a population of 12.5 K, we have our fair share of revoked licenses. Our town drunks typically drive riding mowers which to me is a bit more dignified than a bicycle, although we have a few of those as well.

    The most inventive alternative was a 3 wheeled chopper bicycle with a 2 stroke motor. Painted up in Harley colors. I shit you not.

    My San Antonio based daughter delights herself with the redneck contraptions she sees when visiting.


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