Indiana Republican Primary – UPDATE Glenn Beck On Suicide Watch – IOTW Report

Indiana Republican Primary – UPDATE Glenn Beck On Suicide Watch

Trump declared winner… 25% reporting

Trump- 53.4%

Cruz- 35%

Kasich- 8.4%

47 Comments on Indiana Republican Primary – UPDATE Glenn Beck On Suicide Watch

  1. Hey, Glenn Beck . . . feel the noose tightening yet?
    Feel a lump in your throat? Don’t worry, it’s just an overabundance of Cheetos.
    Choke on that, asshole.

  2. tripseven is just like progressive Donald…..doesn’t know that it is decided by the convention, not these votes.

    At least Trump supporters will go to their graves not knowing squat about the Republican party.

  3. Yuge landslide, ya can’t stump Da Trump! I expect the creepy Canadian, the RBF woman and the cryin’ Mormon to really ramp up the kookery even more now. Maybe they can get little Marco to help with a “losing really means winning” victory speech. Someone ought to hide the guns from Beck & Papa Cruz.

  4. @Bad-Brad

    Classic…… the last lines of Willy’s song……

    “Tomorrow starts the same old thing again.”

    I’m praying it ain’t the same old thing …….(bait and switch)…… again.

    I’m evolving.

  5. JohnS…we’ll see about that. You’ve been proven wrong on just about every point so far. My bet is Trump will get his 1237.

    In case you haven’t been paying attention, which you haven’t, you are in absolute minority class as a Lying Ted supporter!

  6. JohnS is just like Lyin’Ted……….smarter than anyone else in the room and always pontificating about it.

    At least Trump supporters will go to their graves knowing exactly what the Republican party has done for them.

  7. cato,

    “I’m praying it ain’t the same old thing …….(bait and switch)…… again.”

    Can’t get much worse brother. Let’s see if this guy can get some damn jobs back in this country.

  8. BFH, bound voters do not always vote the way they were sent to vote.
    As I have pointed out, in the most famous case, delegates bound to Seward switched to Lincoln at the convention. The underdog came out on top.
    If you look into why it happened then, and the other times when coalitions took out the prospective vote leader, you will see parallels to what is happening in this race.
    Donald knows this, that is why he is railing against the system.
    Donald has set out to destroy the GOP, and it looks like he will succeed whether he wins or loses at the convention.

  9. I wish you idiots would listen to brad, you keep pushing us true conservatives out of the way and you will have Hillary as president. Most true conservatives do not want this ass as our prez and you will not get this egotistical gasbag elected without us. SO perhaps you should stop bashing those who are still voting for principle, not a load of rhetoric and quotes from the national enquirer.

  10. Brad! Banging on Cruz supporters will probably not help them get behind Trump?!
    I and others have been yelled at and called names by many here, including you, for saying that very thing.
    What opened your eyes?

  11. SFM916
    JohnS needs to decide for himself, but mean while we need to get everyone on board we can. A lot of us are convinced we’ve got some one here that can tip over the apple cart. We need to get as many people behind him as we can.

  12. Hillary will unite most of us. And that sharp tongue of Trumps that some found objectionable when pointed at others will find great enjoyment when it takes aim at Hillary. I almost feel sorry for the bitch. Wait, what am I thinking.

  13. JohnS “What opened your eyes?”

    When you lumped ALL Trump supporters as idiots in a previous post!

    That would be 50% of ALL iOTW commentators according to BFH’s poll..or have you forgotten???

  14. JohnS – why in the world do you think delegates bound to Trump would vote on first ballot for someone else when Trump has 1237 delegates and 5 million more votes than any competitor?

    How delusional would that have to be? You think he’d have any friends left?

  15. For the most part I always thought the Cruz supporters gave as good as they got. We need to try and get behind the guy thats got a shot at Hillary now. And we need to make sure the GOP isn’t going to screw with us.

  16. As I understand it, Big Fur Hat, the rules for the 2016 convention have not been written yet. Those elected to be on the rules committee meet before the convention opens the vote. Kinda like when the democrats voted God out of their 2012 platform. The RNC still has the ability to rat fuck Trump, and I suspect they will. It is far from certain that this is anywhere near over. And, no, I do not agree with the RNC taking this away from Trump and Cruz, but it is very, very likely it will happen. I don’t think it would matter if Cruz hit the 1237 mark instead of Trump, they would rat fuck him the same way.

    In any event, practice saying “The 45th President of The United States of America, Miss Hillary Rodham Clinton.”

  17. Hey John, I am not going to let you get attacked for what I wrote. I am standing by my comments. Or maybe like trump and the JFK assassination story, I am doubling down!! I would think a sane person would shake their head when their candidate made such an asinine statement. Are y’all really sure his goal is not to hand Hillary the election? Seriously… SMH

  18. I still think there’s an excellent chance that they’ll kill Trump if he gets the nomination. If that happens, all bets are off. These scheming sonsuvbitches have turned us into Mexico.

  19. “The RNC still has the ability to rat fuck Trump, and I suspect they will. It is far from certain that this is anywhere near over. And, no, I do not agree with the RNC taking this away from Trump and Cruz, but it is very, very likely it will happen. I don’t think it would matter if Cruz hit the 1237 mark instead of Trump, they would rat fuck him the same way.”

    In any event, practice saying “The 45th President of The United States of America, Miss Hillary Rodham Clinton.”

    You nailed it. I’m voting for Trump…or whoever…come what may. I’m just doing so without the slightest self-delusion of expecting it’ll make a damn bit of difference in the long run…except…as a far outside chance that a viciously single-minded party might rise from the ashes of the GOP.

    Ah, who am I kidding; that too would get quickly infiltrated just like much of the Tea Party was.

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