Indianapolis: Superintendent gets $27k bonus as student performance declines – IOTW Report

Indianapolis: Superintendent gets $27k bonus as student performance declines

EAG: INDIANAPOLIS – Indianapolis school board members awarded Superintendent Lewis Ferebee a massive $26,999 bonus on Thursday, the same day the public learned student test scores fell by 3.7 percent last year.

School board members noted that Ferebee’s performance bonus was only 77.1 percent of a possible $35,000 boost that’s based on improving learning in the school district, reports.

“The 10 goals include redesigning and expanding district magnet schools based on demand and student results, creating autonomous schools and improving student graduation rates and IREAD scores, according to the news site.

In February, the IPS board increased Ferebee’s total compensation to more than $287,000 a year, including a base pay of $209,880.

IPS students fell behind at a faster pace than students statewide in recent standardized math and reading tests released by state officials on Thursday. On average, 3-8th grade students lost 2.1 percentage points in those subjects, while IPS student scores decreased by 3.7 percent.  read more

10 Comments on Indianapolis: Superintendent gets $27k bonus as student performance declines

  1. Would it be racist to ask the percentage of blacks in the IPS system? I mean if we are talking numbers in declining student performance wouldn’t a little perspective be helpful? Oh wait…

  2. #BlackLiesMatter!
    Nobody really gives a fuck about the peons’ and peasants’ bastard spawn.
    Particularly those socialist administrators who sent their rug-rats to private schools.

    izlamo delenda est …

  3. I hear a lot of (often justifiable) complaining about teachers’ salaries, but very little about administrators’ salaries and perks. These are the folks pulling down the really serious bucks.

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