India’s Supreme Court Tells Muslims To Get Over Themselves – IOTW Report

India’s Supreme Court Tells Muslims To Get Over Themselves


An Indian actress winked as part of a movie scene—and found herself accused of blasphemy. But India’s Supreme Court has now dismissed the case against Priya Prakash Varrier, the BBC reports. Varrier, 18, was dubbed India’s “national crush” after a song from her upcoming filmOru Adaar Lovewas released in February and a scene from the video, in which Varrier winks at a male character in the movie, quickly went viral. A conservative Muslim group argued that the wink was blasphemous, and police charged Varrier, who then petitioned the high court.

The complainants argued that the song, “Manikya Malaraya Poovi,” made reference to the Prophet Mohammed’s wife and was thus “sacred,” Global News reports. But the supreme court ultimately dismissed the blasphemy case against Varrier as well as the film’s director and producer, finding that there had been no malicious intent. “Somebody in a film sings a song and you have no other job but to file a case?” said the chief justice in the ruling, per NDTV. He also reportedly added, “It’s only a song!”


13 Comments on India’s Supreme Court Tells Muslims To Get Over Themselves

  1. I’ve loved India for a long time and this is another reason to do. Wouldn’t it be something if India – “the world’s largest democracy” – turned out to teach the world that all too many people need to get over themselves.

    It’s been all along that in so many instances places like India don’t observe the bulls** correctness we do. Not always, but many, enough that I hope the world will soon take notice that they are being outdone by a country so many of them only barely deign to notice.

  2. It’s true, @Plutonium Kid, I stand corrected. Just fill in “West” instead of “world.”

    India is managing to move forward without losing its soul, a feat the West seems unable to match, and they aren’t afraid to love their country. “I Love My India” is a popular slogan, and the tricolor is on everything.

  3. How is it that their “conservative” moslem groups act like our “liberal” non-moslem groups?

    The terms have become completely amorphous – and meaningless – mere epithets.

    izlamo delenda est …

  4. @ Peter the Bubblehead
    Right! If the modern world is halal, they should give up the ways of the west-cell phones, cars, guns, modern explosives, social media, etc. and live a pure existence apart from the infidels.


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