Inflation Raging Despite Reduction in Demand – IOTW Report

Inflation Raging Despite Reduction in Demand

Sundance at Conservative Treehouse did a little deep diving in prices of unprocessed and processed food and found something interesting. The price of raw materials is down, probably due to a drop in demand, but the price of processed foods continues to rise, probably due to the Government’s war on energy. This seems to carry over into nonfood items at the store as well. Here

12 Comments on Inflation Raging Despite Reduction in Demand

  1. This is what happens when our energy sources are intentionally fucked with as well as the Manufacturing Supply Chains, the Dollar, the Stock Market, driving small businesses out of the equation, destroying food distribution centers, etc, etc!

    It’s no accident. It’s intentional. We’re being attacked from every angle. They’re trying to kill us with Lingchi – death by a thousand cuts using a demented buffoon!

  2. I dunno whoodafuq pissed in this demented Asshole’s Cheerios™ back in the day, but when he took office he essentially said: “When it comes to revenge, I’m like a reverse mortgage. I’m gonna fuck y’all up for three generations!”

  3. Meanwhile silver, that is highly dependant on energy for mining, smelting, casting, forging, refining, shipping, remains flat to slightly down for all of 2021, 2022 and 2023, even after all the money printing and increased demand from investors, green energy, and technology. Whatever must be done to make the dollar appear stable they will do, including manipulating a metal that is regarded as actual money. Premiums (cost over silver price) on silver eagles tell the story, at about 70% right now. A coin that is minted by the US Mint in numbers that is supposed to be high enough to satisfy demand by law (they aren’t minting enough because they can’t get silver at a cost close enough to spot price by their own ridiculous policy), but what do you expect from Yellen the Felon?

  4. Processors have contracts for raw materials at a certain price. They have to pay that. it’ll be a while before cost of raw materials at market is reflected in processed goods.

  5. The $15 an hour crowd is hiding in the corner trying not to be noticed but they’re involved in this also.

    They’ve made the expected starting wages for entry level jobs rise forcing chaos in the small business sector especially.


  6. Another slice in the death by a thousand cuts.
    Transportation, Energy, Inflation (printing ever increasing amounts of worthless money), Paying Nose-Pickers not to work, Corruption, Uncertainty – People unwilling to kill the malefactors and straiten the shit out – even though they KNOW it’s the ONLY solution, Ignorance, and Apathy.

    We keep hoping for the meteor, or God’s intervention – but THIS IS God’s intervention! As would be the meteor. Ain’t gonna happen. The Demons didn’t just break out of Hell and infest every Capital on Earth – they have a mandate.
    God has unleashed them.
    Only He knows what comes next.

    But then – I’m just a retired plumber.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  7. Oil prices have fallen for the past year, but pump prices have continued to go up.
    All of the Dem supporters in the transportation industry are reaping big profits.
    Just a plan to bleed out the middle class.


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