Infographic: How To Tell A Prison From A Public School – IOTW Report

Infographic: How To Tell A Prison From A Public School

BabylonBee: These days, people are having a harder and harder time discerning the difference between a public school and a prison. Believe it or not, there are a few subtle differences that can be discerned with a trained eye! Our writers drew from their extensive experience going to both public school and prison to bring you this handy infographic. Enjoy

7 Comments on Infographic: How To Tell A Prison From A Public School

  1. Prisons have bars on the doors and windows, public schools…no, scratch that.

    Prisons have lockdowns, public schools have…no wait, that won’t work either.

    I know. Prisoners wear uniforms, public school students wear…uniforms. I give up, how do you tell the difference?

  2. With license to build on stirrin’s efforts,

    Prisons have guards throughout the facility. Public schools have cops… shoot, that doesn’t work.

    Prisons have hot boxes and solitary confinement. Public schools have shaming and standing in the… nope, too similar.

    Prisons of activity yards for games and exercise. Public schools have rec… wait.

    Prisons are paid for by taxpayers money. Public schools… aw, shucks.

    Prisons have at least one big, Karen in the building. Public schools have mostly…

    I give up.


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