Injuries from cell phones increasing nationwide – IOTW Report

Injuries from cell phones increasing nationwide

Boston Herald: Head and neck injuries from cell phones have increased steadily over the last two decades according to a new study, peaking sharply when the iPhone debuted in 2007, and Boston doctors say it’s a common occurrence in their emergency departments.

“We often see injuries in the ED related to cell phone use. When your phone grabs your attention, you are less aware of other things in your environment, and more likely to miss a step or not notice something in your path as you are walking,” said Dr. Carrie Tibbles, Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center emergency medicine attending physician.

“And as we know, distraction while you are driving can lead to very serious consequences,” said Tibbles.

A recent study published in the Journal of the American Medical Association shows 76,043 patients in the U.S. went to the emergency room with head and neck injuries related to cell phone use between January 1998 and December 2017. The information was collected from a national database. read more

12 Comments on Injuries from cell phones increasing nationwide

  1. don’t worry

    we will “evolve” to be able to read and walk with our heads down at the same time

    if we don’t all go extinct from the cell phone head and neck injuries first

  2. The report only covered physiological damage, but there are also psychological injuries and social damage that can come from smartphone-induce obsessive/compulsive disorder.

    And they’re related: the compulsion to check your phone as you step off the curb against the DON’T WALK sign can flat out kill you, and don’t ignore the social disasters mentioned by @Supernightshade above.

  3. I’m more curious about how many dead or seriously
    injured by cell phone users text/driving and other
    stupid stunts like walking into traffic or hard,
    immovable sidewalk objects like fire hydrants.

  4. My sister put a pretty good knot on my noggin with a wall mount rotary handset many years before cell phones. She also was responsible for letting me know that Kirby vacuum cleaners can fly. Don’t know how I survived childhood sometimes.

  5. I heard a cashier talk to a guy in line as she also bagged the groceries because there were no baggers.
    “90% of these kids can’t pass a drug test, and if they do, they get fired because they won’t stay off their phones longer than five minutes without having a conniption.”

  6. I have a friend who is a colonoscopy nurse and she tells me that they usually get 1 or 2 calls a year about removing them from the dirt chute!

    Does that qualify as a injury?


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