Innuendo Theater Presents… – IOTW Report

Innuendo Theater Presents…

If you like puns and innuendos and double entendres, oh, and it all being gay, this comedic film is for you!

ht/ rob e.

(A few of the jokes, especially the visual ones, made me laugh, I have to admit.

18 Comments on Innuendo Theater Presents…

  1. Back in the 50’s the neighbors owned a candy store and they made ‘homemade’ fudge.
    I remember hearing people calling them ‘fudge packers’ but had no idea it had two meanings.

  2. Laugh if you want but it’s just this type of crude, lazy juvenile innuendo passed off as humor that helped lower this nation to where it is. Not just unfunny, it’s truly subversive and wicked.

  3. grool; exactly right. this is why there are no decent tv or movies to watch. No more classy women left and no more men mentors to l;ook up to. People have sunk to levels not seen since sodom and Gomorra.

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