Insane: Minneapolis City Council to Disband the Police – IOTW Report

Insane: Minneapolis City Council to Disband the Police

Townhall: A veto-proof majority of Minneapolis City Council members have announced their intention to disband the city’s police department. Nine members are set to vote for defunding and dismantling the police force following the death of George Floyd. 

“We recognize that we don’t have all the answers about what a police-free future looks like, but our community does,” the council members admitted in their statement. 

“We’ll be taking intermediate steps towards ending the [Minneapolis Police Department] through the budget process and other policy and budget decisions over the coming weeks and months.”

For communities its size, Minneapolis has one of the highest crime rates in the nation. MORE HERE

h/t Anonymous 

43 Comments on Insane: Minneapolis City Council to Disband the Police

  1. Um, they should defund their education system too. Seems to me its more useless than cops. Teachers are the worst. Caveat- not all teachers but MOST, are incompetent.

  2. Good.

    We visited the capital building many many years ago and it IS a maginificent structure done by the great Cass Gilbert (of Woolworth Building fame in NYC). Oh well.

    @Uncle Al – the next hole that will get walled in, NYC, my problem we live at one of ‘the North Gates’ and that is too close for comfort.

    That’s why we have an evac plan…

  3. Unless you live there, this is awesome. I hope they make it effective tomorrow. I’ll give them a month before the normal residents start hanging these ass holes from road signs all over the city.

  4. I saw a tweet that the Sheriff would just take over the policing, that there was a SCOTUS ruling enabling that.
    That would 1. require that the Sheriff is of the type who would be so inclined; and 2. would still mean a major organizational upheaval.

  5. “Escape From Mini-Apples”, starring Gwyneth Paltrow’s Underwear, and Jane Fonda’s… uhh… Plastic Surgery!

    Guest Appearance: The Voice of Lee Van Cleef!

  6. Didn’t even bother to read the articles, as the trailer told me all I needed to know.

    Ordinarily I would say give them what the deserve, give them lawless anarchy. But this isn’t just about “black lives”, this is about creating a vacuum in which a totalitarian fascist occupying force will fill. Apathy, denial and ignorance will be the death of this country. Trump has to save Minneapolis from itself, not to mention the other gutless, spineless, misguided state leaders.

  7. Eventually winter will come to Minnesota once again, as it has for the millennia. The bohunks won’t be doin’ it at the pump house anymore….first class cabins will be available in the cities..Hibbing will become the new capital….”Essere del gato”…

  8. If the police are disbanded there will immediately be a pogrom against whites. They’ll fight back, but won’t be able to repel the huge mass of attackers. It will be genocide, and other cities’ ferals will use it as a template.

    At some point, the military will have to be called in and they’ll need to use deadly force. This is what the left wants. They want martial law declared because, like governors locking states down, it gives them more power. They’ll use it to stir even more unrest and they’ll impeach Trump again for calling out the military if they don’t manage to keep him from being reelected.

    If you’re not of the preferred pigmentation or political orientation, leave NOW while you still can. Your and your family’s lives depend on it.

  9. I predict that it is going to be a long hot summer for these idiots. A run on guns and ammo for the fortunate few who still can think. Last person out of the state please turn the lights off.

  10. “Anyone else noticed that the anti-Second Amendment crowd has been mighty quiet lately?“

    JDHasty, it’s gotten so crazy that Tom Arnold is exhorting the soy boys to borrow their dads’ hunting rifles and shoot fascists.

    Not Babylon Bee. I swear.

  11. When fascists cause chaos, they are looking to replace the chaos with fascist control: theirs.

    This is the EXACT situation in pre-war Nazi Germany.

    Who will police the jungle in that city? The jungle.

  12. TT – I read the same article and laughed. He was and always will be a has-been. Guarantee you he won’t ever be out in public doing what he suggests. “Do as I say, not as I do”, blah, blah, blah.

  13. Gee, you mean the 20,000th failed liberal attempt to do something completely dangerous, expensive, and/or stupid that the Conservatives warned them at the very beginning was a terrible idea?

    I think we know how this will end, but stand around and observe anyway…

  14. The young cops, if not “vested” with enough time can just leave and find towns that will need them. The “vested” retirement age cops can take their money and run. When this stuff happens the firstest out the door usually gets the mostest.
    The rest (probably 50-60%) have hard choices to make about staying until the finale (if there is one) or not.
    In any case it is not a place where you want to raise a family once the socialist goblins finish with it.

  15. There are some benefits to watching Minnesota failing…
    1) Bocce won’t be put out as to be a national sport….
    2) Hockey can go back to being played where ice actually forms outside in the winter…
    3) Curling will only exist in Norte Dakota and hair salons
    4) the Vikings will move back to Norway and finally make the playoffs….
    5) The Twins will drop their moniker and be known as the Libras…Cupa Libra farm teams…
    6) Paul Bunyons ox can go to Wisconsin so his balls won’t be blue anymore…
    7) 10,000 lakes can accuartly be counted by Dr. Fauci as only 10 lakes….
    8) It can be revealed that Mary Tyler Moore never ever visited Minnesota or knew a girl named Rhoda…
    9) A Golden Gopher can’t beat a badger even in leg wraslin’….
    10) No Minnesotans own a Katana, but everybody owns a semi auto sling blade…

  16. They will just sub it out. And change some rules. They are dumb, but not so dumb as to go cold turkey. And pat themselves on the back because they did something.

  17. If you review history after wide availability of reliable firearms, violence subsided dramatically. Maybe this will evidence for the communists the reason why our founding fathers put the second amendment so close to the first.

  18. They can eliminate their police force, but the law of unintended consequences must still be obeyed. Hope they have the money to pay out all that accumulated sick and vacation leave that becomes due and payable at the time of termination. And it’s not just the cops you’re firing, dumb asses. It’s all the support staff, too, like office workers and jailers. Add to that the immediate loss of huge revenues from traffic enforcement and you have a bigger disaster on your hands than you realize.

  19. As a retired officer from the NYPD I say do it, disband the police in Minneapolis it could be the litmus test all the normal people can hopefully move out almost like Fallujah (the second round) drop leaflets saying tomorrow is the last day you will have Police services available please do it pretty please I will even put sugar on top do it I dare you

  20. Like I said last week…
    Minneapolis is going too far with their Somalia thing.
    Maybe they can disband the Police Dept. and replace it with a KaRen Dept. Rioting is OK, but if you say or wear something the KaRen’s don’t agree with, you’ll get a ticket.
    KaRen Dept. will be made up of Persons of Color who identify as female…. for Diversity!

  21. Easy fix, everyone has to wear a mask and a working, loaded hand gun. There, that should ensure social distancing, help with looting, reduce policing costs.

  22. I am a long time reader, seldom poster. I am also a Minneapolis cop. I have seen things in the last ten days that I didn’t think I’d ever see in America. This City and a lot of the state, is utterly leaderless. These people in charge are in hopelessly over their heads.

  23. Slippery, do what we did in 194/95 when self proclaimed “Americas mayor” Guiliani absolutely F’d us with a contract. For those that do not know NYC is always waaaay behind on contracts so at that time we were without one for 2 years. That scumbag gave us a five year contract 0, 0, 2, 2, 3. At that time I had two/three years on making 25k. Back then we actuslly had some solidarity so we had a legit slow down, meaning we do not do shit other than answering 911 calls or if something literally happens in front of our faces (crime wise i am talkin about). No summonses, no stopping cromags out at 2am, nothing do not generate the city a dime. It worked for a while til the union caved in


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